Monday, April 28, 2008


and it's not even a tick-tock, it's more like a tickticktickticktick.

everything and everyone this past week has been getting on my last nerve. how many last nerves do i have? a lot. what happens after it gets on the last nerve? idk, but i feel neurotic a good lot of the time, so much so that my bowels have been backed up. ha ha ha, just kidding, how TMI would that be?

this weekend threw me for a loop, i was scheduled off of work and it was noted that i requested off, but there was nothing and no reason for me to have done something like that, so i'm a little confused as to what happened. this was the longest saturday of all saturdays, so long that i forget already what happened. sunday was filled with strawberry shortcakes that tasted so divine i couldnt believe that i had made them myself. it must have been all that love... the recipe called for a pinch, but i used my good judgment and added 2 or 3 times that much. i think it was 2 at first but then when i saw how wonderful things were turning out, i added an extra third. dont tell anyone, i know everyones watching their figure.

i cleaned my room. the kind of cleaning where you're so hardcore about it, youve got music that you havent heard in a long time playing, the kind of music that you decide right then and there is going to be your busy music, the kind with a purpose, and its so fitting, so good for the mood. as i was saying, the music was all over my face and ears, and i was dusting so hard, washing and dusting and then vaccuuming in stupid places, like corner ceilings, and clearing empty hangers and hanging unhung pieces of clothing. then i got pissed at a skirt zipper that's been pissing me off for the past IDKHOWLONG, so i pissily ripped it into pissing shreds. this week was filled with some rage, its hormones or something.

saturday i was fully crazy, saturday i was just concentrating on creating the most fitting noise to whatever i was feeling. the meeps did not suffice. it wasnt even an ehr, it was loud and obnoxious, cause i had all of these loud obnoxious bugs crawling inside of me, so i shook my head hard, but that just made my head hurt.

so that was saturday, if youre following, i actually went from saturday to sunday to saturday again.

oh also, last night (sunday) i also started and semi-finished a painting that i am very satisfied with. i hardly paint, but i love it very much and bought new brushes. well, i am satisfied with it. i said that already, but only because it's true. it's pretty accurate and im excited to see what others will think.

today is monday and i worked and we're currently trying to accomplish everything with only 2 half working cars. together, they create one perfect car, but that's not how car-world works. another car was out of commission so there were 5 adults with adult live and schedules trying to get everywhere with one car, so we had to call for back-up and we were all like, "HAHA MAN GOOD THING WE HAVE FRIENDS!" cause that's how we got to work.

i ended work at a good time, accomplished a great deal of things i wanted to, then went crazy for the next three hours waiting for everyone else to get done with work.

so i went to circuit city, and theyre looking at me like HEY DO YOU WORK HERE, LOOK AT YOUR SHIRT.
but im like NO, im not nearly as sophisticated as you guys, mine is a plain read polo while yours is full of fanciful wonderness, what with your white stripes on your sleeves and logos.
so i waited and waited and more noises and more laughing and i waited and i played with my hair.

and we got home and i watched some things on my computer, played freecell and messed my room up a little bit. i slept weird and i started to sweat, so i woke up feeling fat, cause if youre sweating in your sleep you must be fat or something.

then i text sheila to bring home ice cream sandwiches, "the kind that is cheap and plentiful," were my exact words. this is the ice cream that is best.

so she came home not too long ago, and i tried sewing this really thin material that was given to me from the seventies. its just that its so thin and im so bad at sewing that it kept getting jammed, and im forced to rethread the machine every try. so right now that's in the middle of my room and i really wanna rip it like i did the skirt and kick the machine over, but that's not good because i bought it with my own money. it was on sale.

anyway, the ice cream sandwiches arrived and i'm writing this blog because i'm full of disappointment from the sandwiches. i bit down on them, and i think meadow gold overcooked the sandwich part of it, because it did not break under the pressure of my teeth which caused the ice cream within to SMOOSH out of its bed. so i have to lick the outsides, and this is not how i like sandwiches. i joked about how i wanted to eat them while lying down, the ultimate FAT move, but i wouldnt do that. id probably eat them then lie down. anyway, i said those last lines to show how much i was looking forward to it, in order for you to be able to gauge just how great my disappointment was and is. a true ice cream sandwich's outer parts should be soft, so soft that it gets stuck behind your front teeth, and youre left trying to be rid of its remaining bits for a few minutes afterwards.

so yeah i'm kind of crazy, as is this blog, i usually dont write so candidly, but iw anted to type everything and publish it without correcting or editing anything. there will probably be no one that will read this entire thing.

ice cream sandrawich.

oh and this is what natalie dee said, and maybe she's right, but i was forced to do the squish and lick, and NOBODY FORCES SANDRA TO DO ANYTHING. NOBODY PUTS BABY IN THE CORNER. NOBODY.
Natalie Dee


Unknown said...

tee-hee-hee...i'm secretly laughing because i DIIIDDD read your entire blog. and i'm secretly laughing because mark took home his ice cream last nite. he took it and put it in the back of my car on the floor, out of human's sight as if it was a secret mission or something. now THAT is some heiffer move! muuuaahahahahahaaha

remember that time when we were lying down eating butter mochi with the pan on my stomach? we ate like two pans of it and you were so lazy that you drank water lying down....

oh what no?!? NO? you don't remember that? oh yeah...naw, that wasn't us! we don't do those! because that would be a fat move. lol

Heenway Mai Guilao said...

hahaha duh i would read the whole thing.

wow what a crazy weekend for you. that woulda been funny to watch.

and its kinda fun waiting for bravo people to get off work huh, like, just exploring and people-watching and feeling out of place but you laugh at the fact, because if it were a tv show you would be laughing.

and yeah this is a very candid post as you said, i read it as I imagined you would say it, and i could see your kinda angry face and you like pretend to pull your hair out and you throw something really quick and ate sheila scolds you. then you guys call each other stupid a few times.

what exciting highlights.

still love jews.

Joel said...

I love how accurate your drawing is. 'Press here and this gets pushed out there'.

And i sat down and read your dissertation. Wellllllll, it all sounds like we'll be seeing part 2 of the 10 volume mini series, that is your life during the week.