Thursday, May 1, 2008

snag that.

geoff manthorn--


ha.. haha. am i embarrassed? no, because i'm simply writing about something i've been quite vocal about for some time now. teh. hehe. hehe. tehehe. so okay, there's a quiver in his voice and OK, he's able to fully cross his legs, and ALRIGHT, he's got frail wrists; but look at how that frail wrist strums... oh, and listen to how that geoff woos..

is he married? i'd like to see his chick. man.



mariah and nick cannon, congratulations. oh man... i saw the breaking news scrolling on the bottom of the screen of the E! channel as i rewatched the keeping up with the kardashians episode of kim punching khloe.. and ... sigh..... mariah, i really think you got yourself a winner. no really... i've seen you hurt, and have hurt with you. i've listened, time after time, about you hurting over these guys who, lets just face it, didnt deserve you. but man... nick. nick cannon. this guy went flawlessly from nickelodeon to mtv! who does that?! a winner, that's who. a winner who's clearly won your heart, and now you'll be able to give your entire being to him. so beautiful... i knew there was a rainbow over all of these stormy days. now you've got your glitter, your baby boy. you're a butterfly, and you just flew right into his arms. this, guys... this is true love. love in its purest form. mm.

and oh man, khloe and kim, you're breaking my heart. im in tears.

you are so jealous. you are so jealous that you cant get a bentley.


Heenway Mai Guilao said...

Hm, that was tough because I don't know the whole story, but I'd have to say Kim started it.

Poor Rob hahah

oh and hey thanks for sharing that Geoff guy. He's tight hopefully not alot of people like him.


Joel said...

What's the Ace of Cakes, which airs on Food Network, guy doing playing guitar? Good stuff. Yup, he plays guitar AND makes cakes.