Sunday, April 13, 2008

the good life, the cello, the omaha

omaha, nebraska, that is.

i guess when youre surrounded by a plethora of inspiration-- be it nature, the dodgy parts, or even just areas filled with inspired individuals, it miiiight be easier to create something that will in turn inspire others.
but i figure that when you're in a place like nebraska, or ohio... or indiana (HAHA), you're less affected. less influenced.and more likely forced to create a genre all on its own. or at least a branched out tweaked version of a something else.

anyway, i think there was a period of time where i was so intent on finding music or things that could properly convey what i thought i was going through. i spoke in lyrics and quotes, because my own always proved inadequate. i spent hours on end reading articles about bands, and finding other bands they could be compared to. now, i spend my time dancing to danity kane and screaming keshia cole. hahahahaahaha. not that ive grown lame, it's just that most of those former words no longer apply.

anyway, ive spent money and time and money and more money and some other time on buying and finding, but mostly buying new music, trying to quench a thirst for something new. i should really save all that time money finding and buying by perusing through the old music i once found so wonderful.

one being THE GOOD LIFE.
and ohhhh, how i loved the good life.

tim kasher's side project.. kekeke. i loved cursive, but not with the same intensity. and i guess i'd have to credit others for cursive, but it wasnt as lyrically driven as the good life, which is probably what endeared me to them in the first place.
but how long did i want to play the cello because of cursive? long time, long time, long time.
ill leave that to pickle.



it's obviously something great, because it's part of saddle creek records (haha)
and obviously something original, because theyre from omaha
and obviously something moving, cause i listen to it-- jk. jk. triple jk.

the good life taught me the beauty of a concept album,
and i should really credit them, along with radiohead, for my ongoing musical education.
i listen to it now, and i can hardly believe that i once thought that i could easily relate to it.
so i guess the good life can also be credited to breaking me a little bit.

the only thing that would make this blog interesting to anyone else is if i were to have some AWESOME pictures of the band at RAD shows with RADICAL lights and more AWESOMENESS and FANTASTICALITY.
but i dont even know how tim kasher looks.
the way i dont know the band members, their birthdates, favorite bands, ice cream, and hometowns.

but the sound of his voice, ill never forget.
and descriptive words, they continue to haunt me.
and the feeling i got, the place i felt it, and the way it hit me,
well, it's a constant feeling of deja vu.

you dont have to listen to them to understand what it is to rediscover something that once meant almost everything to you at some given time in your life. it's a little bit humbling to recognize how trivial things had such an impact, or even just seeing a crass, unrefined version of yourself through renewed eyes. just imagine those same eyes and experiences years from now.

there's a portrait of your mom when she was young. her face was
shining brightly as the sun. the son who got away from her, but came back
home again to find a woman wrecked with all this love she couldnt give-- but you
know she did. you just couldnt feel it then.

for those who stopped reading a long time ago, here are some pictures with no people in it.

check out those mountains.
your time was not a total loss!



Heenway Mai Guilao said...

hahah yeah its so funny to look at ones self back then from now. i stayed the same in many ways but progressed in others. you too. and i've never heard the good life but i believe you.

also, yeah, music has an immense influence on your life, your entire being, i mean, its one of the things that's been with that made us forever, like, even angels sing! what that's like man its way above my head, but yeah music is a gift that stays and may change but will always be there and i'm glad you know that.

your visit to vegas seems somewhat like slightly a visit to nebraska...? idk but those mountains in the setting sun are inspiring enough. lets go to omaha.


Heenway Mai Guilao said...

you are way beeeetter than eeiissllleeyyy and keyshia cole stole her awesome voice pops and cracks from youuuuuu

Joel said...

Hi, my name is Hotrad, can I interest you in our Honey Toast?! Maybe our Green Tea Shaved ice?

Yeah sorry, i'm one of those "let's get to the pictures" people.

But after reading about the Good Life, I'm curious. Really Joel? Are you really? curious i mean?....yeah i'm curious, i'll get back to reading it shortly. Considering your list of Inspiro-eccentric acoustic-folk music, i'm already sure these guys are bombers.

Joel said...

Besides 311 came from Nebraska. Good concert, that was