Sunday, April 6, 2008

video blog time.

it looks like im crying, but im actually licking my lips and laughing. NEWYORKNEWYORK!

we knew where the camera was, but mark and alona kind of forgot. yeah.. they had a smile on their face but couldnt hold it. clearly. clearly.


I CANT WAIT FOR KOREA '09. jk. jk. *crosses fingers*

the drive there was cold and nice, cheeeck it.

sandra's slide, failure 1.

nikki's slide, part 1.

mark's slide, a big one.

alo's slide, she got pretty bus'

sandra's slide, take 2 UGH

nik's slide, right-side up, short one.

kakekekeakaha huahuahuahuahuahua,
i seriously miss this "SNOW"/MELTED ICE,
i miss vegas, i miss that house, i miss the guilaos,
i miss having a guitar, i miss not working, i miss shopping,

i miss sheila, i miss the dias', i miss march.

anyway, the vids are summed up in a bunch of one-liners, and if they suck it's because YOU HAD TO BE THERE. and it looks weak because we're using a storage bin cover, which was amazingly aerodynamic. i'm gonna admit now that i had very bad form, i screamed like a sissy, and at times like a ninny, and had fun when i promised sheila that i wouldnt. i still hold to saying that this time seeing snow didn't quite count, so next time we'll come back decked out in full snow-gear, hitting real slopes on real boards, KEKEKEKE. then when we go back i'll see those dogs again, who's real and proper names are Rahrah and Kaiser. We may even see Jojo again, who's proper name we will assume is Johan.



Heenway Mai Guilao said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAH EXTREEEME! you all did pretty well for first-timers, plus not even using a real sled haha. good times. as i can see anyway ahahha not like i was there but yeah good times.

i love how that little boy sings with passion instead of accuracy. ten times more important than accuracy.

and that one shot of the four of you on the ride is priceless. especially ate lon's face and nikki's pose haha.


Joel said...

Injeenious. Engenioos. Ingenious. Never thought of breaking off an old lid from a garbage can. Just like them koreans. Wow, I was floored, but if he would've played the song too, I would quit playing music all together. Throw in towel,
Tro-in da towel alreddeh!