Thursday, April 3, 2008

lmaolmarflmaolol so hard! wasnt he in GREASE?

hey there big shot, that must be somewhere third-world,
so that makes you an automatic winner LOL.
speaking of third world and screwed up POV's,
oops, i mean speaking of other-worldly moments and adventures,

we were happy to be out, i think.

anyway, any of my readers/fobbers/format-stealers will automatically recognize the Guilao house. pretty bomb lay-out, cause you walk in and this is hawaii, more so than my own home.

if youre planning to book a room, get one with a view. wonderful continental breakfast if you have your coupons. mark had coupons and got almost an entire omelette to himself.
oh and you wake up to the most amazing banging of the drums, and get to play this wonderful game where you finish the tune of whatever troy is playing-- in your head of course. then you sing it out loud and figure out why and how you know it.


BFF-- jk, she might piss me off and i wont feel like making a retraction.

hidden signs.

frozen behinds.

and to you, the one person who continually proves me right while screaming to others that i am wrong-- i blamed it once on timing, but its come to my attention that it was never your intention to spend time with us in the first place. its been blamed (by everyone else) on your period, girl drama, and even sometimes on the person you claim is your best friend. well i dont believe in BESTS, and i also dont believe in girl drama or the excuse of a menstrual cycle and enraged hormones to justify bad attitudes. simply because i've done it before, and it wasnt some famous person, but a W. article that said that there is NEVER ANY REASON TO BE UNKIND. i remember it well because it's something that i continually need to work on.
but come on now, we should just let it out. so what is it? do you not like how we dress? how we talk? that we are ilokano? from hawaii? are you afraid of the unknown? do you not like my blog? am i a threat? am i stealing your friend? is that why you write things about friendships being ephemeral? and who told you that we couldnt all get along? who said that there had to be a division, with ice-cold actions being the dividing line? i'll take back what i once said about you being an annoyance, but only because it will take one more thing from you to prove that line true. but from everything youve said about being such the bigger person, i know for fact that not one more blog will go up from you exclaiming that fact. do you think that we couldnt see through your invites? you said it through your teeth, cringing at the thought of spending time with the people even your very close friend deems entertaining. well, whoever said a mix was impossible is probably just feeding into your ideas of such. but in our brotherhood, it shouldnt be. i guess that's what so messed up. we shouldnt be acting this way, and yet we continue to write, trying to prove a point. well have you learned yet that nothing written could prove that the way we're acting is proper? ive realized that now, and so for everything, we apologize. we apologize for ever being offended at your attitude and will even go as far as apologizing for anything we ever did to make you not like us. we apologize for girl drama, your period, taking your friend, the sun rising too early, the moon taking its place, and anything else we may have caused during our stay. jk bout the sun and moon btw, im just retarded lmao. if you hoped to make things right towards the end, any gestures were shown as empty as soon as those things were written. do you write for me? well i write for myself, but now i write for you. these questions are no doubt rhetorical, but i dont know what we did to you in the first place to not make you want to entertain us. you're right, though...what were we thinking, expecting you to want to hang out with us? it must be a culture thing, because anyone who comes to hawaii is entertained and accepted with open arms. even if you didnt mean it, you were perceived as being cross and from then on, we were weary. but then you proceeded to show the same disinterest, so what were we to do? had we not showed up the second time to that mall, the error would have been on us for not giving you a chance. well, im at my wits end, and my biggest fallacy would be to take every negative thing ive heard of and from you as ammo for this blog. but you still dont know me, the way i dont know you. i was wrong for starting this war, and continue to be wrong for making this something about you. im done with this, and with this entire situation. you don't win, you're just you.
and never again will this blog speak of it.
and if you didnt get it from that, this is an apology.
white flags in the air, waving for the innernet to see.


Heenway Mai Guilao said...

i, i liked, Grease. ho bra cam on for Kahala. who needs ala moana?! who needs waikiki!? who needs a hot tub, jump in this bitter cold and unkept pool! cam on for Freds. cam on for gfn + haleakala temperatures/hanamaga face.

tot lam and toi sai! ? right? hahahahahhaah you know i don't speak spanish!


Three Pretty Girls said...

The rubber band headband is
the accessory that most women
fail to utilize.