Wednesday, July 11, 2007

two things--

for un,

Main Entry: 1amaze
Pronunciation: &-'mAz
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): amazed; amaz·ing
Etymology: Middle English amasen, from Old English Amasian, from A- (perfective prefix) + *masian to confuse -- more at ABIDE
transitive verb
1 obsolete : BEWILDER, PERPLEX
2 : to fill with wonder : ASTOUND
intransitive verb : to show or cause astonishment
synonym see SURPRISE
- amaz·ed·ly /-'mA-z&d-lE/ adverb

but if youre in need of another definition,
click here.


for deux,

im trying so hard not to be mean but....
what do you know?



Heenway Mai Guilao said...

wow that was amazing. i really like the one of the pear and the comb and the licoln and washington bills and washington says "word" to what lincoln says. yup yup he's good. i can tell. guh i wanna go back already. see you in a long time. i think i'll write an entry about kissing the lipless. but, i'm a bit hesitant because I'm not wanting just anyone to know about kissing the lipless. i just really really get my kidneys in a twist when i hear that song. but whatev wow this turned out being a long comment im going to go now bye FINGAH NUMBAH aaaakk hahaha i lllaaabbb jjjuuu

Heenway Mai Guilao said...

my sister was watching some VH1 thing and your husband, the really smart Jewish one with glasses kind of dorky with a wife that's no you, he said stuff you know how people always comment on those VH1 shows and then I was like, i had my big smile and my eyes got big and I seriously tensed my neck like i was gonna turn my head and I gasped a little bit but then i remembered the person who would appreciate that five seconds of him was not here.

Lol woah cool. heheh i'm learning more songs on the guitar so we can have more fun with guitars when i return, such as more coheed and gatsby. but along those lines laff juu miss jew! ahahahahah

Heenway Mai Guilao said...

I know I'll never do it justice. But it's just when I hear Kissing the Lipless I kind of die a little bit. It's not much of a criticism kind of thing, nor a tribute. and it's not much to read about if you don't know what I'm talking about. So i'll just write it here in the comment area.

ANYWES,,, Kissing the Lipless. I die a little bit. Not really because of what it's about, but mostly what it sounds like and what it makes me think of. Of course the lyrics are incredible, but that's now what makes this song kill me most. It's because, I see this music video in my mind, like, a silent film of short scenes and clips. Kind of like a dream of real scenes. Most of them during sunset. For a gist of what I mean, here's kind of how it goes (of course, in my head it goes much more smoothly and some of the scenes last for seconds corresponding with parts of the song that would just take too long to explain in type and would probably sound better in person anyway. ) : :

I see you and Ate Sheila hovering over the keyboard of the laptop, with that little robot propping it up. The orange seeping throught the front door. I see that, then I see driving past the stadium in Ate Hazel's car, sunset, heading home from Kailua, and then it jumps to rushing to the meeting at dusk.

and then it jumps all the way to coffee or tea at eleven o'clock at night like as if I need coffee at eleven and all the cars passing by and the city lights. Then I see, (from front seat point of view!) pulling up to the little stripmall in maui after a day of swimming and finishing my coffee while walking back to the van in the sunset.

Then I see an upstairs restaurant where there a grip of GFN FANS ON THE WALL! and then I see driving around the city and pretty upperclass neighborhoods at 2:00 in the morning in Ate Alona's gummy bear car, looking down alleys, and then the little beach, and then down a wide broadway. the lights man, the lights.

Then I see Ate Nelly and Ate Alona and you and me in the back of edmond's pickup truck driving along the coast in Kihei at sunset, and I see you guys laughing about somethings that someone did or said but I don't hear the laughter I just hear the part where the music picks up and awesome Mr. Mercer goes all out on the high octive saying "you TOOLLDDD us of your new life" and it matches right with your heads flinging backward and your mouths wide open, which happens kind of in slow motion for that high part but then go back to a regular fast pace, the wind in our hair and you're like nodding your heads and pointing at each other.

then I see pulling up to the Barayuga house. Then I see pulling out of the your guys's driveway. And I see the front of Borders at Pearlridge. And then i see one of the regular conferences and discussions in the downstairs room, a very animated one and everyone is silently cracking up as you and Ate Hazel imitate a certain hula dancer and I'm just looking into the big mirror at everything (around this area> " It's hard to leave all these moments behi-ah -ah-uh-a-ind")

and then at the slow part at the end of the song I see the island from the plane. that's it. crazy huh? doesn't that song have nothing to do with any of that and I don't think we even listened to it as much as I think we did but that's just what happens when I hear it. If I were to explain in one sentence why I love the song so much, because this whole thing was worthless and hardly an explanation of how awesome Kissing the Lipless is, I would say that it's because...It's got the sunset written all over it.