Tuesday, July 3, 2007


i call that,
its sooo impossible. but HOW COME i knew what you were talking about when it comes to girl>guy songs being ehhh and not as punch-in-the-lung'ish as guy>girl. maybe because we fall to our knees when a guy's attached to an instrument or is musically inclined. as for me, im tapioca puddinggggg. ENYWEX, if you could see through my corneas, you'd see a bunch of question marks, and i feel like my song list of choices are under par, at least in comparison to yours


i'll have to agree with you on bjork's "its oh so quiet"

and if i had to choose a girl song, it would probably have to be a girl singing for a band. cause girls by themselves kind of make me mad. (UNLESS ITS MARIAH CAREY) anyway, going back to girls singing for bands, etc, kinda like the cranberries. it will probably be a cranberry song; not at all patsy, you know. like, 'everything i said' or 'i miss you' or 'ode to my family' LAWLERS. well, these are all about love, but knowing me, a favorite would probably be a lovey.

oh and i feel like i need to go on and on and on about mariah carey. im not ashamed to say how much i love her and how cool i thought it was that she did this whole rapsingingthing on 'breakdown' and how much i love 'melt away' and all that other crap, just cause the bridge talks about a cloud of rhapsody. HAHAHA. okshh.

and something about jason mraz makes me wanna say, 'hey stick me on some ice and condensed milk and serve me with some syrup, cause im mochi' or something, you know? but not quite favorite-worthy.

im thinking that a favorite would have to be TIMELESS.
and what i think is timeless is maybe an 'absolute nothing' to someone else.

i just decided that this was going to be my new blog. its really to you, because maginahuilao.blogspot.com, you are my only reader.

im flipping through the roladex in my head and im sensing emotions, but it's hard. i do recall hearing things so flawlessly beautiful. like someone tucking your hair behind your ear, or putting their fingertips on the inside of your palm, or exhaling softly behind you, or resting their hand in the small of your back. well, if a creep were to do these things then several punches to the face would be in order.... but these are things that would probably make me fall to my knees even if i knew that there was gravel down below.

i wanna write out my whole thought-process to choosing a favorite, but its so much harder than just to saying, 'hey this just came to my mind,' although you'd think that the mostest favoritest of all songs would already be on your mind.

but your mostest favoritest is really what's on your heart. and for that you have to dig a little bit deeper.

its probably something from pinkerton; just cause my favoritests of most things are those that heartwrenchingly honest. i think that includes people. like maybe its 'el scorcho' cause who wouldnt want that dedicated to them? i would. or maybe its not even pinkerton, and its 'only in dreams.' maybe its that, cause i would gladly die to it. (is your favorite song something you would die to? more on that later, maybe. just cause, if thats what it is, then this blog is an absolute nothing...cause none of these songs are that GREAT. i guess my favorite wouldnt be what i saw as the greatest. or is that one in the same? IDK) anyweh, maybe just a deep melody that holds you over the edge of tears. yeah, just on the verge. youre not crying, but you feel like it. youre not crying cause your most favoritest song somehow stirs feeling that contradict. like you wanna, but you dont, cause this is a favorite. unless youre crying cause its so wonderful. never mind, i guess youre crying. but i dont think id cry. id just feel like it. so my insides are crying. ? question mark? idk. shut up.
ughhhh and then there's stuff from foreigner and firehouse. just cause inspiration is what im all about. i mean, it's so motivational. or peter cetera (WHO?!). and the kid inside me dies and cries and dies inside a little everytime i hear "ill be the man who will fight for your honor"-- cause rocky loves emily.
or maybe its something from the shins and as a cop-out i choose entire albums. but we cant do that, cause i call that "digressing."
like, if we were choosing albums i'd have to choose a bunch of concept albums. gotta gotta be 'the good life.' no other band is so lyrically driven. at least i thought that when i was all 'broken,' but i think its still very very good. like, 'the competition' is up there cause anything with a haunting piano is noteworthy (TO ME!). you gotta hear it cause sometimes tim kasher's voice kinda floors you and you feel his pain, especially when he blacks out.
but albums are so so easy.
like right now my favorites have to be 'wincing the night away,' 'chutes too narrow,' and 'friend opportunity' (THANKS GUYS). i literally carry it everywhere i go. okay that was just today. but ive gotten some new things and these still GOT ME. GOT ME GOT ME.
but thats not the point i guess.

but really, i have a favorite song.
and it's easy.
it's simple.
and its kind of a secret.

i like these people.


Heenway Mai Guilao said...

i love you like a tide pool loves the bay, admiringly and inspired
by the amount of sea
it has inside
not but to hide
but to have live
life and beauty and color
and so i smile upon not quite brother
not nearly mother
not even sister by blood
but merely by heart...

Heenway Mai Guilao said...

sorry i know poems are you're thing that's the last one but you're post just made me write it.
see you in a long time.