Monday, July 23, 2007


you know what? i have a bunch of words for these pictures but i probably shouldnt say them. just cause- HAHAHAHA, those are exercise balls, and HAHAHA this is a park ! and then HAHAHAHTAKAHAHATAMANAHAHA, that poooose !

me and one of my most favorite people. he actually genuinely pisses me off at least once a month. the kind where im like, 'are you serious, paul?...really?' because im sitting or standing there hoping that he's just joking...cause maybe it'd be better if he was just joking. but trust me guys, he's not. but he's obviously a favorite cause he gets away with it and i still keep him in my life. but that would probably imply that i had some sort of a choice. jay kay !

he's cooler than most of you will ever know. to everyone else, he's scary.


deven is a back-lurker and is pretty good cause he got into the shot so well that you'd never know that he was. this is an example of where the photographer in themselves noticed the lurker and gave the lurker an allotted lurker-space, thus turning the back-lurker into one of the photograph's focal points. HAHAHA
this next installment is a series of shot that i call,




another serious favorite. favorite person, that is. no photoshop involved, that flare above his head is no spirit; just the sun. nice.

can we find some words, guys? people in cardboard boxes are so genius. the people who cheer them on are even better. the people who watch the people who are cheering on the people in the cardboard boxes think they're number 1, but they're not-- the ones in the boxes are. ok?

mill. banana. cardboard. swinging. egg...
i should have taken two shots and turned it into a .gif, because only then could you understand. this is only half the story. sorry.

this installment is called








these miscellaneous shots are a visual definition of the word


this is jordan again; probably scaring someone a lot less understanding.

and some blurry people playing blursketblurall.

...there is no superior, and no one's better than anyone else, but everyone else is better than you (you got that?!). buttttt, i think in that same breath im allowed to say that we're all pretty much entitled to our own opinion. and from what i know and have seen, the people i now choose to surround myself with are mighty superior to most.....haha jaykay(butnotjaykay). not to say that your friends are inferior, but do you seeee the things we do? rainy parks with people hidden among cardboard boxes, defying gravity, misused work-out balls, and BANANA-EGG (caramel-and-banana)! if pictures tell a thousand words, then i've got a thousand stories. mental ones that i wish i could somehow develop; just cause, i had my digi-cam, but the battery failed a little after sun-down. i didn't even get the
JUSPUTIAAAA (you dont owwwnnnnnn me jusputia)
fingers, chins and heads. the fingers are on the chin or on the head. and what they're doing is scratching. trying to figure out if these pictures tell a story. i guess they're scratching to get their noggin to start working, telling it, 'hurry, have you figured it out yet? what makes this congregation so cool?'
its a bunch of mangs and kuyas and ates (hm, not so much ates, but mostly mangs, ok?), and adings and babies with baby woaders. you still dont get it cause there's not much for outsiders to get. but if you came along, we'd probably treat you like we've known you our whole lives. and if you're a good one with good intentions, we'll have the rest of our lives to make that true. HAHA INSERT SMILEY FACE HERE OK.

i like em i love em i like it i love it !


Heenway Mai Guilao said...

im just dying a little is all. Dude you guys got some serious air. i love. "DO YOU LOVE?!!!" says Ate Nelly all the time. umm yeah i can't believe how much i'm missing out on. whatev. smiling and not noticing until two seconds later. laughing at a silent film displayed on your blog. reading words i can, like, hear. fo real. hey guess what? you think you don't got it,,,BUT YA DO! Dude it seems Jordan got taller since I left but I left like four weeks ago only! Yove Lou

Heenway Mai Guilao said...

hahahaha oh ma goodness i'm so stupid i tried to do this right but i ended up deleting because I didn't do it right. Justttt go to my photobucket. okk? go to weekend events folder, and watch the Fashion District video i think it's like the fifth one. you'll love it it's your favorite thing ok??!!! the other one you might think is funny is the second video, Zack Napolean. gosh i'm so dummy.