Monday, July 9, 2007


i think about it now, and i wish i still knew you. i wish we still had tangible ties, rather than what we have now-- mere pretense and these same standard lines. but i still know what to say to make you smile; the same humor to make you laugh. how exactly we ended up here is somewhat of a blur. personal differences, i think ? insufficient amount of level-headedness and composure on my part. spurred on by one significant event-- "perhaps 'misunderstandings' like are what it takes a person to recognize where they stand on their feelings towards another." i suppose all of that still holds true. regardless of what happened in the past, i still have an affinity towards you and our aforementioned relationship. but our set-out paths have changed; you've chosen a different one, and even my own meanders. while time apart, or absence, should have made the heart grow fonder, it has in reality had an adverse affect on our friendship-- not necessarily a negative one, but one that can be viewed as stronger. apart, yes...but enduring, as you are endearing. your invitations to partake in the things you deem fun are well-taken... and greatly appreciated-- as i am sure you view mine with the same sentiment. but while what we had has faded, rest assured that our moments together have in no way done so, but instead have added to the contrast and saturation to the captured moments set within me. eek; i'm still convinced your 'half day' was the cause of our demise, but perhaps there's a deeper, underlying reason. i miss you in many ways, and am convinced that there are aspects of myself that no one else could possibly understand the way you could.

some things will always apply.
one word--

1 comment:

Heenway Mai Guilao said...

i like to write the word maintain because of the symmetry inside of it. ANYWES, this entry is so true. you're feelings and memories of people in your life never really go away they just change. this recent post of yours got me thinking of a few people, but one can't always fully know what the artist meant you know? to me, this was very good, haha i don't know how else to put it, because, you see, unlike you, I can't write brilliantly during early morning hours. but, guess what? BE QUIET!!
HAHAHAHA laff juu