Tuesday, May 13, 2008

tmj is seriously serious. / this is for my peoples who jus lost some bah dy

i've been unknowingly grinding my teeth during my sleep.
or maybe during the moments that pass while i'm trying to sleep?
either way, i have a knawing headache.
i tried to chew gum and it felt like i was screwing huge bolts into my temples.
so i spit that mess right out before it even got soft, SAAAAAD_FAAAACE
(at first i thought of frankenstein, but frankenstein's bolts are to secure his head onto his neck, im assuming, i'm not sure, i was born in 1987. so anyway, i ripped the image off of google and used paint to show where my bolts would be. i also left the other existing bolts, because what is he without them? oh, and if we're on the subjects of similarities, i also feel quite grey, my adams apple also casts a shadow, and yes, i suffer from a dry scalp and love to play with talcum powder. i DO NOT, however, have a monkey lip. that's something he shares with mariah in her "Bye, Bye" video. LOLOLOLOL)
i can't open my mouth very wide,
and when i force it, or even try to ease it open,

i want to die.

lol is this tmj ? lol time for a self-diagnosis!
haha man what is this, stress?
hahahaha, oh man guys, i guess i'm an adult.
and maybe i need botox, like that one lady on that one show with that one asian doctor that married that one white guy with whom she had that one kid with.

this is serious.


Heenway Mai Guilao said...

oh man you should get a retainer.
hahahahah jk jk. But nah get that mess checked out. I grind my teeth too though and I don't feel pain. or bolts. haha

mariah and nick is so hilarious wow.

love you frankenstein,



oh mariah. did you see that one good morning america video? i dont like her.