Sunday, February 24, 2008

i got smacked

easy walk; sheila and her finally-worn manchester united shoes.

cousins/cousins. italy, LA galaxy, man-U.

Rows 3 and 4 are actually Rows 1 and 2.
-- but on a serious note, what job do i have to get to be one of those weaklings down there, hanging out like they'd rather not be there? what association do i have to join? what sticker do i have to put on the butt of my car? seriously, little kids got it better than we do. and where can i jack a green media vest? i promise i'll walk around with a bazooka for a camera, acting like my job's so unexciting.

Sheila's head.



left and right
baby boy and baby boy.

thoughts on the night? ridiculousssss win. 6-1. them japs (JK) got it tight. now this is clearly coming from someone who in no way follows the futbol-circuit, but just a taste of this amazing sport had me converted and addicted. granted, i was a little bit embarrassed to be sporting an LA-Galaxy jersey, being that it was clear evidence that i spent good money to cheer for a team that was playing for 3rd place. but who WASNT awestruck in the presence of beckham? he's legendary, and yes, playing for Galaxy leads many to wonder whether or not he cares about his integrity. he clearly doesnt. but if this is him trying to make "SOCCER" relevant in the US, then... best wishes on the success of that. i guess. but i wasn't going to act like this championship didnt matter. nothing that exciting comes to Hawaii, and this was pretty amazing to be a part of. not to mention some priiiime seats, with fake-Dynamo players hearing all of our cat-calls. there's no doubt that Gamba brought their A-game, which clearly shows that maybe LA-Galaxy DID do something right on wednesday night. and as for Dynamo... Ummmmm, who let the 40 yr. old goal keeper play the entire game? ummm.... yeaaah. ummmmm..... he kind of wasnt paying attention sometimes.... ummmmm....... i also heard he threw out his hip or something? idk, this is all speculation, of course. ummmm, yeah. i also read that the pitch/ground/whatever sucked pretty bad. i was wondering why brandon jordan (27) of LA-G kept falling all over himself. i understand dives, but he'd be running, and if someone in the audience sneezed, he'd be there on the ground. ughh, so apparently that "contributed" to half of the incidents that night.

but yeah, let's just call a piece of doodoo what it is and say that if Beckham is trying his hardest to put the US on the futbol map, the MLS has to learn from the rest of the world. i guess nothing from the US can ever be called polished...because yes, the sauce is quite weak. i think we all agree to settle on "OK." Dynamo's game Wednesday night was TIGHT like a tiger, but then again, they WERE playing against SHORTS (Sydney FC). Anyway, Gamba Osaka, TOTEMO TSUKARETA, KYU JU KYU CENTO, IMA NANJI DESU KA, OTEARAI NI IITEMO II DESU KA? PROPOSAL DAISUKEN! DAISUKI DESU ! AI SHITERU ! and all of the other good stuff. Bare was tight, and your B-L-K's brought it all the way.



bam, right in the chest, by a stray ball. the coolest night ever, i am soooo fortunate.

"call a medic"
"keep crying, cry harder"

the order in which i heard things. pictures to come off of my deaaaad camera. you'll see why these things are not so rare.

OH MAN GAMBA WAS BOMB. 6-1, sorry houston. mystery benched player, you have my love, i have your picture. it's official that soccer players are a definite GO. and HELLO, stretching, "27-1." i love stuart holden, and tonight was crazy.

chest still hurts, and im not being OA.

___ vids.

wednesday semi-finals.



BECKHAM PUTS A SHIRT ON (suggested viewing: MUTED volume)

BECKS GETS INTERVIEWED. screaming ensues.


Heenway Mai Guilao said...

hahahahahahahah "really really truly!" hahaHAHHAHAHAHA. ohh and i love how you all wore your futbol jerseys. well, except ate juni but, it's okay because she's with you guys. i also love how you guys got very choice seats. chhheeeee hoooo!

that body check was brutal.

that shirtless beckham was awesome.

osaka is just awesome.

man looks so crazy fun man i missed out. especially when you got smacked in the chest. yiiiiiikes. i hope it doesn't hurt anymore. kaaaaaaaay bye i'm glad eveyrthing went well!

Heenway Mai Guilao said...


oh hey hey hey guys, listen up, mahina's coming, but we don't know when, so just go about your business and carry on like nothing, and when she arrives, BAM! spontanicity. spontaniesm. bam...

and yeah hahaha wholesome! you're right, you can only use that in regard to the organization because I mean where else can you use that right? halawa too especially, such goodness. cuz see, ok, check it out - "oh my days spent in high school, so wholesome! You shoulda seen it!" --nope-- it doesn't work.

oh bee tee double-u, Ate Sheila showed you the pictures of Ryo that I sent right? because i mean to spread that kind of goodness around. he's a certified 20.

ok i love you bah-bye!