Tuesday, February 19, 2008

no air, no air.

no computer. broken. sucks. on dad's. sucks. need to upload pictures. visit the usual comics. check bookmarks. i need a new blog with cool pictures. uggggggghhhhhhh.

everyone ready for today's dose of ironic goodness?!

my laptop needs an external monitor! bahahahaha!
so apparently, BAYAO said that the computer's in tact, but the screen is nonono good. its true. I used a monster cable to use my tv as a temporary screen. IT IS SUCKS. the resolution IS SUCKS, so I can't read tiny options. so I'm thinking I should just get a new laptop altogether, and not just one that's supposed to be a desktop replacement, cause I'm pretty sure it's constant transporting from AZ, NY, and the like was the cause of its demise. not to mention sheila dangling it by its screen, loosening all internal wires delicately nested within. saaaaadface. jk though, she's probably going to get its remains after all the file transfers. so you millions of readers will have to wait. oh, aaand you too, stalker/biter mcgee.

and no. not at all, guys!


Heenway Mai Guilao said...

for real yo i'm sick of Ciley's muggle face.



Heenway Mai Guilao said...



Heenway Mai Guilao said...

ahahahhahahah eehhhh badabadabada sswwinggg badda!!! hahahahahaha

oh yeah that was good! the place at ward! no wait, yours was good mine was weird. i remember. yeah come on man we'll just go all over the place and i'll drive! chee hoo! and then i'll go back hawaii nei and china town moi ngay! tot lam! and xin loi, and so on.
