Thursday, February 28, 2008

bombed throwback

HAHAHAHAHA, new comp, you understaaaand.
Or no? You dont? New comp means a necessary transfer of files, which usually results in the discovery of long-time-no-see(n) pictures and files. I myself found these dusty treasures on a CD-RW i had in highschool. OOOOOOH, what i wouldnt give for a flash-drive or an easier way right now.

HAHA, DONT YOU WANT TO PUNCH THAT STUPID FACE?! maaaaan, posing near the wall of achievments that now stands empty.... and those bangs. those bangs are absolutely amazing. but the coolest thing is that WONDER CLUB shirt i'd kill to have right now. Yeah, it would probably fit like a nasty baby-T, but that would be part of its appeal. JAYKAYS. but the hands crossed is maaad cherry, not to mention those striped shorts i wish i could see a bit better. snap.

AND IT BEGINS, i guess. who dressed me? who brought me to the Gemini Filipino Store in Kalihi and got me that BOMB outfit? Thanks mom. Thanks. I love you. Thanks. But while we're on you, Mom, what happened for me to turn out this way? I was convinced that this was a recent development, but apparently I was pretty crazy since childhood. Even Sheila thinks so. HAIR = BOMB.

Check me out, ready to bring my chair out to the lawn area outside the office/library. Check out Jerome Salami, smiling like a fool. Nice shoes, Jerome. But not as nice as my meeting shoes.

Dayne, Stephanie, Jerome, BLK kid, White kid, White kid, Me. HONOLULU ZOO, LUNCHABLES, THERMOS, CANNED JUICE WRAPPED IN FOIL.



Heenway Mai Guilao said...


Wonder club. ahahahahah and crossed arms because you felt that picture required a pose.

But the one of you with awesome lion hair and brand new Filipino outfit is the best. It looks like you're in the middle of doing the Atlanta snap dance thing. Like, dude, you were meant to be what you are now hahahah

and in the classroom picture, you're the only one thats wearing like a crown thing like you do to this day...i think i saw some other kids in the background with them too but they copied you i'm sure...and yeah HAHAHAHA MEETING SHOES!!!!! hahahahahahah

The zoo one's priceless, with the bright red and white-polka dotted dress, who could miss you in the crowd? Not to mention the pack lunch wrapped in foil, can't mistake that lunch. But the foil reflects heat, so you're food was probably the freshest haha.

nostalgia indeed.

new comp. leads to old photos leads to old memories leads to new blog and new thoughts. Life indeed. Oh Bee Tee Double-Yew I like that factoid you put on your profile. seriously, now I know what I've wondered for so long.


Three Pretty Girls said...

i just assumed you were a natural blond...
i guess not