Friday, July 4, 2008

ten things i wont say.

jacked this from a canadian, but i remember reading it on someones myspace a long time ago. i laughed hard at one because it talked about someone's B.O. and hahaha that would be on this list if there werent more things to discuss right now.

Essentially, here are 10 things that I want to say to different people, but probably never will. The people in question are NOT identified, and you can only use a person once.

1. you are by far the cutest person in my life right now. i dont know what to do about it. i cant stand to be around people who make me nervous, and you do that. this is so high school. i dont even feel like i'd be settling. i know we're different, but i think you're amazing.

2. i wish you werent so angry. then we could probably do more together, and maybe you wouldnt be so fat? your insides are so skinny though.

3. it bothers me a lot when you trivialize my concerns or feelings. i always always always listen to you, so why can't you do the same? why do you see my mountains as mole-hills, and turn my giants into windmills? i understand well that you're doing it to help me rationalize and reason, but sometimes i think you're failing to empathize. at least sympathize.

4. a huge part of me hates you for not coming to your senses yet. i hate that you're about 3 years over your due date to come back. i hate that you're not even trying. i hate that i would actually say these things to your face if i could. i also talk loud on purpose so that you can hear how much i've changed. hopefully one day i'll say something to strike a chord to show you that you're so stupid for how you're living your life. and i wish your pride was tangible so i could hit it hard and watch it bruise. lol jk.

5. i see you as my best friend, but i've taught myself not to believe in best friends.

6. i wont come to your wedding. it would be wrong. (but i so badly want to dress up.)

7. i regret ever meeting you.

8. because of you, i trust almost no one. because before you, i trusted everyone. because of you, i make it hard for people to take me seriously. i dont care if other people dont take me seriously. but i wish you did.

9. if you're so dag smart and happy, why are you in the world? you're such an idiot and i'm not even allowed to rub it in your face. i want to though. i do.

10. YOURE LAH_CKY! YOURE SOOOO LAH_CKYYYYY!!!! how do all the mediocre randoms of the world get the good ones? the pick of the litter? i dont get it, and that gets to me.


Desiree said...

omg, "luckyyy i said luuuuuckyyyy! gaaaaaahhh" hahahhahah. omg i miss the beach now :( lol ok GL and GB.

Heenway Mai Guilao said...

This is one of your best blogs yet.

can't really discuss any of them though hahah hahahahah
ohhhhhh man.

i yove louuuuu!!!!!!!


EH why aren't you coming to my wedding!? HAHAH jk

marquesoliverp said...

omg i said some of these hmmmmmmmmm OMG. oh well =)