Wednesday, July 2, 2008


internet is down. moments like these, I willingly take back my comments to those with smartphones (when I was without), about how going on the internet on a babyscreen when a larger screen was available a table away was plain ridiculous. now that our modems out of date and can't get a guy to come in to fix it til idk when, the house is falling apart. there's constant tension, short fuses...pestilence, hunger, riots in the street.
obvious jk, but I'm still falling apart a little bit. I have no reason to open up my laptop, and we've resorted to looking at old saved pictures as internet. this leads to a slight depression after counting the number of chins you once had dotdotodot...
anyway, we were so cute, guys. soo cute as teenagers running around new york. we got excited when we saw sushi and an opportunity to eat white rice.

oh you know hawaii is on the internet more than any other.... nm, I forgot the statistic.

song of the day: anything off of viva la vida is pretty crazy great. no shame here, guys. no shame.

I get my soul back from starbucks on the 16th. teeheehee. (please don't sue me)


Heenway Mai Guilao said...

yeah starbucks! yeah stadium starbucks! ya'll are gonna miss sandra! kaaaaapena!

internet down is soooo upsetting.

your gameboy phone comes to great use. i miss jew!


edelen said...

oh man i'd die if i was able to go to hawaii with mahina!! i am so down to go though, i've never been there!!!

that'll be my new project: mission hawaii. i've always wanted to go!! then you can show me around and feed me good hawaii foods XD <333!