Wednesday, May 28, 2008


im really tired.
ridiculously tired, i tell you. everyday. in ways i couldnt begin to innumerate.
tired of days, of circumstances (the bad kind). of schedules, of responsibility.
but not of people. never of people.
(except those who insinuate. those who belittle. the condescending ones that take away your dignity and mess with your sunshine. the ones that make the tired days especially difficult. the ones who test your patience and taunt your self-control)
-- but even in such situations, it's still the circumstances that stress me, and not so much the person behind it.
these past two weeks feel FIFTY DAYS LONG,
with events that can only be described as life-changing. and friends and family that can only be described as unmoving. but if you havent lived it and if you havent seen it, then these words are just words, and im afraid that you'll never quite understand.
but sometimes the feelings you hold tightly in your fist, and the inward battles you fight and swallow daily show themselves much larger than your day's alotted strength. so you break down a little, growing in knowledge that things are going to get much worse before they get any better. so your veins may grow in size, an outward showing of the extra amount of energy you're giving. energy from a source you think is steadily being depleted. except it never does, and this is where "beyond what is normal" takes on real meaning. because your life-source and gas tank are on a constant E, and miles are counted by ounces, but you're afraid of how the walk anywhere left with your thoughts will prove to be an aid to adding to the anxiety.
then there are some days when you dont want a hug or a shoulder to cry--you'd rather have empathy be far far away from you. you scoff at the thought that anyone else could possibly understand. and you'd rather lay there, blanketed in your own self-pity, allowing what needs to escape to finally take leave. and you cry and wail and cry some more. and you make noises so awkward, able to call all birds of the land. and your dog looks up at you like you've lost it. and for that brief moment, you have.
it pains me, but these days exist. i can't stand to let my Clark Kent show.

why is it easier to be stronger for everyone else but yourself?

anyway, these are my feelings in words. but they're barely my words. and are only half my emotions. it's just my effort at grasping at an understanding.

in other news,

this past sunday was beyond fun, from the preparation to the execution. i mean, nothing in our house is flawless, but it will probably remain unmatched in noise and fun level for about a month. or maybe a week, cause d-ree's party is coming up. holla!

-roger acting contrary to his whole schpleel about how it doesnt matter how things look...-

uhh, these are just pics of the "GUY TABLE"-- they flocked together and ate more than they probably would had the table been interspersed with some women... HAHA jk.

the night was also filled with thought-out bible games that were... HAHAHAHA-LARIOUS!
pictionary, scattegories, flag--ehr, book-remembering games...
and the best (OH, AM I BIASED? YES.)-- our DRAMA SCENE GAME!

now, this was the first time it was ever done by us, and hazel and i were pretty genius, i must say. and our rules were very confusing, so we had to kill the application part and leave it to using random props to re-enact bible scenes. after 2 minutes left with a pile of junk, the dividers were pulled back to reveal each group's scene. hahahahhaahhaa, my heart grew eight sizes, it did! things were better than imagined, and groups fully utilized their 30-second house-roaming time to grab some hilarious props. anyway, here were some of the scenes--

group 1.

group 2.

group 4.

im missing group 3. i'll wait to post that because desiree's supposed to send me her recording of theirs. obviously, it's not my fault because i was the game coordinator....

haha, i hope this game makes the dias' proud!


Wednesday, May 21, 2008


what the...
thanks to heen for honestly telling me that my hair was crazy.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


i didnt wake up until the sun came. until the sun came. until the sun came, barging into my room, pounding through the thinness of my eye-lids. but i didnt wake up to stretch, give out a little morning yawn, and wipe the crap off my eyes. instead, i swear i stood straight up in bed, incoherent, knowing that i was late and would not be able to make it to work, aching inside with disappointment.

when my phone dies,
i die.
and so it died, and then i died.

this is especially blog-worthy because i've been trying my best and hardest to make this entire situation work. i even went to bed before midnight, which means something, cause i'm a serious owl at heart, babus. but my (stupid) sidekick3 finally failed me, and i dropped it one too many (dagnabbit) times. what's worse is that i couldnt even find a number to let someone with authority know what happened to me, why i didnt show up, why im so irresponsible, why im so sorry...

(i guess it was all part of an international plot to see me fail. i bet if i eat death via my nearest mcdonalds drive-thru that i'd feel better. i have so many enemies.)

so i checked my interface online.
i was searching my address book
for a number i never had
but the phonebook didnt have the number
for that particular location.
i even googled that mess, googled it
so specifically, then again using broader terms.

so then i called another location to ask for the number and she got so pissed and said "MA'AM" really loud and mean, and i understood very well, cause i'd feel the same way. but i didnt want to keep her any longer to explain that the number wasnt in the phonebook LOLOLOL. (and i recognized her from the sound of her voice. she was a manager that i once trained)

but until then,
i will be accepting donations,
detail after the jump! (there is no jump)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

tmj is seriously serious. / this is for my peoples who jus lost some bah dy

i've been unknowingly grinding my teeth during my sleep.
or maybe during the moments that pass while i'm trying to sleep?
either way, i have a knawing headache.
i tried to chew gum and it felt like i was screwing huge bolts into my temples.
so i spit that mess right out before it even got soft, SAAAAAD_FAAAACE
(at first i thought of frankenstein, but frankenstein's bolts are to secure his head onto his neck, im assuming, i'm not sure, i was born in 1987. so anyway, i ripped the image off of google and used paint to show where my bolts would be. i also left the other existing bolts, because what is he without them? oh, and if we're on the subjects of similarities, i also feel quite grey, my adams apple also casts a shadow, and yes, i suffer from a dry scalp and love to play with talcum powder. i DO NOT, however, have a monkey lip. that's something he shares with mariah in her "Bye, Bye" video. LOLOLOLOL)
i can't open my mouth very wide,
and when i force it, or even try to ease it open,

i want to die.

lol is this tmj ? lol time for a self-diagnosis!
haha man what is this, stress?
hahahaha, oh man guys, i guess i'm an adult.
and maybe i need botox, like that one lady on that one show with that one asian doctor that married that one white guy with whom she had that one kid with.

this is serious.

Monday, May 12, 2008

in one word,


that's really how i'd have to describe my first day back to a job i once told myself i'd never return to. haha, the way i quit bravo twice and returned again, no questions asked. it seems i'm always, some how, some way, taken care of when it comes to employment. these jobs seriously just fall into my lap, and after long times considering the pros and cons and the 2-hour "am i being reasonable? practical?" bit that i play in my head, things always work out the way they should. and i may be a bit embarrassed to work there, but hey, if you can take care of old people or pick strawberries or something or other or something all just to put food on the table, then OKAY YOU SHOULD.

so after the THREE BUNGCAYAO-CAR WOES, my sisters and i made an agreement that we've riden the gravy train long enough. and this is where it ends, this is where the car stalls, windows shut. where the A/C blows hot air, between the corner of, "You're grown-axe women with jobs" and "You know you can do more to take the load off of your p-rants."

so we have, in our own ways. and there were REAL TEARS and REAL ANXIETY over everything happening... things broke down in rapid succession and you know that feeling?

you know, the one where you're drowning.
arms and legs flailing.
you're stuck between breathing deep to keep calm and holding your breath to keep alive.
a full stomach from all the water you've taken in
and eyes stinging from everything you've seen.

well, nothing's gotten better yet, we're all still in the same position,
but we breathe real air, real easy,
just knowing that resolution is near.

there's something a bit eery and unsettling in the unknown. but it's when you see His hand in your life that your faith is strengthened.
but if you're going through all of this added tribulation,
you know you must be doing something right.

Well anyway, i picked up an opening shifts to that aforementioned job that i could have sworn i was completely over (i was so serious about not returning that i turned my uniform into rags).

and with these two jobs together, is really like only having one almost full-time job.
and i pray that this time it will be different.
and this time it feels different.
i just have crossed toes hoping that i continue to see this as a means to an end.

last night i went to sleep at 12, tossing and turning over how awful i'd be,
woke at 3:00, to be there by 3:45.
and i was okay. and i dont love this as much as i did before.
and it was almost fun. and i dont care about this as much as before.

i know my body's confused, and with the naps taken, or even moments taken for myself with eyes open, i've rested maybe for a time totaling around 5 hours? yeah, 5 hours.
but i'm alright LOLOLOLOL.

i just know i'm probably gonna get uber-fat from lack of sleep.
(His servants are always well taken care of.)


shhh, it's our secret.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

for blog's sake

i h8 writing right now, i h8 it so much that i dnt wana even type things out,
so wen ppl msg me on gtalk, im all, 'sup yo sup' n thas all i wana say.
n wen i txt i want it short n id rather u call so that i dnt have 2 spend time
being proper and politically correct.
oh, and if you've noticed, i've spent time making blogs featuring videos of things I LIKE (IT!). because ctrl+c and ctrl+v is so dag e+z.

oh, but here i am in STANK mode.

and this
is how
i feel
day in
day out
i shouldnt
feel this

jk, im fine. lol.

im hard-hard feeling on rivers' home recordings though.
its looped on my stereo and i havent even put it on my itunes, cause i feel that it's ultra-stupid to have it come out of these baby speakers that JUST DONT UNDERSTAND WHAT IT MEANSSSSS.
especially noteworthy on this album are all songs off of the
which interestingly enough,
once included the very songs i loved off of pinkerton.
man, good ears, nice feel.

but i laugh and laugh and laugh, most seriously and literally, out loud.
i sit there and laugh at dondo and wuan and mechanoid M1 and jonas and maria and... hahaha.
then i sing along and smile at the silly harmonies.

and when i hear "crazy one," i actually truly really truly really and really do think of the beatles.
and when i hear "this is the way," i actually really truly really truly and truly do think of a bad pop song. why does anyone have to whisper? i love.

"and this is the way
that a man
loves his lady
he does what he can
and he never
tells her maybe.
ooooooh, oooooooooooh. <3
this is the way, baby.
this is the way."

without you little diane, i'd die! listen to my heart! ohh, you're tearin it apart!
i was made for you.
little one, how long i've waited here
waited here for so many lonely years
nobody ever could make me smile
til you came 'round with your pretty style
and i will love you so, and i will love you so.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

rivers, guys

LET'S WRITE A SAWNG!-- the youtube brainchild of Rivers Cuomo.

i've been following it pretty closely and am insanely jealous of anyone that had input good enough to be recognized by him. i know this probably isnt the first time it's been done, but it's especially noteworthy because... well, it's Rivers, guys. and as haggard as he looks, and as weird as he acts, he is the ultimate of all ideals, and the ruler to which all others will be measured.
his latest album full of home recordings prettty much made my heart swell and fall out of my butt. the liner notes, entire thought process and emotions behind each demo track are so honest.
you're left almost heartbroken, wishing you were were someone he was fond of; promise honest.

what's weird is that, in my own head, i'm sure that i was born in the wrong time, obsessed with what has already passed, and convinced that i am capable of comprehending what it was to live what he did. and in my imaginitive heart, he's my childhood best friend. he..hehe... he he . heh<3

everybody clap your hands
Groovin' to the way I roll WITH MY ROCK BAND
YOU KNOW WE GONNA turn back time
To THE 80'S



um, he's in step 9 right now, with deadlines and everything.
so follow along if you wanna be cool or if you wanna know what's up.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


oh, to understand fully.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

25th hour

VH1 decided to be cool for idk how long and is doing this Radiohead marathon. uhhhh, it's so amazing. uhhhhh, i dont even know how to explain it because i'm writing this blog but my eyes and attention are actually on the "there there" video... uhhhhhh, wow. uhhh, this album was beyond me, and everything continues to be. but sometimes there are things that i own and listen to but dont quite appreciate it until much later in life. uhhh, i guess this is another thing i need to revisit. i'm really tired and i feel like ive been awake for 25 hours because i kind of have. uhhhh, my brain isnt functioning that well, and i've taken my third bath. ive decided that im not going to study for tomorrow because it doesnt apply. HAHA! HAHA! it's true. jk, ive decided that i'm going to get married in two years so.... jk.

i guess if i'm already writing a nonsense blog, i should expound on my reasons for sleeping uneasy.

1. Stratus (who even owns these?...), leaking all over the island, overheating and being crappy.
2. Audi, the eptiome of GFN. pretty much wants to kill you by putting itself in reverse when you're clearly trying to drive.
3. Buick. first off, what are three 20-somethings even doing rolling around in a CO's car? a luxury car made for retired 50-somethings? never mind that this thing's a boat, gas-guzzling the 4 bucks i make an hour. how about we discuss how it's now a heated death trap? all 4 windows are shut closed, and as if we didnt have an A/C problem in the first place, it now blows hot air in your face. so youre left there looking forward to the next red light to open the doors just enough to breathe life into your now-warm blood, but not so much that passing cars are able to do damage. oh and how about the fact that while your windows were broken and stuck rolled down overnight, some nasty cats saw this as an invitation to leave their dander-filled nastiness in the cushions of your seat.

but jk, i love suffocating, and i love cats, and i love that when im near them my left eye tears and shuts. but thank goodness i can always breathe through at least one nostril. and seriously, its ok cause i can supplement this one-nostril action by breathing through my mouth. really nice. and lady-like.


but ok let's just listen real quick--

no one compares.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Weezer's new RED ALBUM #6

wth are you talking about....
and why ? and what happened ?
you break my heart with this mess. break it so hard that i can't stop listening.
rivers, do you see what you do to me?
you break me.
because you're broken.
at least, weezer is.
pork and beans omg wutinda.

i still love you a lot a lot :(

im still getting the album. XINLOI.


im really glad you fixed your leg and lived your dream and hung out with donovan and even copied his hairstyle a little bit.

but rivers, (because i am aware that you frequent my blog),
thanks for your home recordings.
my heart swells like a baobab,
blooms in the night,
and dies in the morning time.
because of you,
i survive.

snag that.

geoff manthorn--


ha.. haha. am i embarrassed? no, because i'm simply writing about something i've been quite vocal about for some time now. teh. hehe. hehe. tehehe. so okay, there's a quiver in his voice and OK, he's able to fully cross his legs, and ALRIGHT, he's got frail wrists; but look at how that frail wrist strums... oh, and listen to how that geoff woos..

is he married? i'd like to see his chick. man.



mariah and nick cannon, congratulations. oh man... i saw the breaking news scrolling on the bottom of the screen of the E! channel as i rewatched the keeping up with the kardashians episode of kim punching khloe.. and ... sigh..... mariah, i really think you got yourself a winner. no really... i've seen you hurt, and have hurt with you. i've listened, time after time, about you hurting over these guys who, lets just face it, didnt deserve you. but man... nick. nick cannon. this guy went flawlessly from nickelodeon to mtv! who does that?! a winner, that's who. a winner who's clearly won your heart, and now you'll be able to give your entire being to him. so beautiful... i knew there was a rainbow over all of these stormy days. now you've got your glitter, your baby boy. you're a butterfly, and you just flew right into his arms. this, guys... this is true love. love in its purest form. mm.

and oh man, khloe and kim, you're breaking my heart. im in tears.

you are so jealous. you are so jealous that you cant get a bentley.