Wednesday, March 26, 2008

oh i guezz thiz iz what we're doingz

hey guyz, theze are my picturez from memorialz.

jk. what the deal is with the smile is beyond me. i also tried an entirely diffrent look from what i'd probably usually do. i then ended up wearing a true alona outfit, so thank you to her for the inspiration ahhhhhh. that skirt has serious blood marks from my heel HAHA.


more importantly, im in the parangan's new 3-story pimp-nasty house, fully equipped with a working elevator. it's STUPID nice, CRAAAZY ill. my clock puter says 12, but i know that it's 3, but my body thinks it's around 1.... and im feeling like im about 24... years old.... all adult..... on vacation by myself...... and alo.........

the 5-hour flight felt like 20, and i sat next to a man that told me he forgot to put in his teeth.

sorry this is a pretty crappy post. nothing funny, nothing that interesting.
come back laterz. kz.

1 comment:

Heenway Mai Guilao said...

houses with elevators are the only acceptable kind of houses for me. they're standard. none of this stairs mess, those are for peasants.

ttttttiiiiiiiighhhtt that's so awesome that house is like a mansion yo! a museum!

looooove sup mark n nikki!