Thursday, March 27, 2008


soooo, uhhh... apparently fruit punch isnt called fruit punch, but is HI-C? SONIC is more than SONIC, it's bomb. and the following installment is the product of coffee, hawaii-bred kids, and their first look at snow. not the best snow, but snow nonetheless. hard-packed snow, but still snow. snow in vegas, but snow, ok? not nice snow, but the pictures show otherwise.

alona and mark test its density.

the slopes.

we didnt have the money or clothes to be all up in that snow, skiing and boarding and hanging and doing. so we just looked--
-- at the dopest dogs in the world. this is rah-rah. rara? rahrah.
she's mad cute and cool

and this is rara/rah-rah/rarah's brother. we forgot his name, so we'll call him roro.
and this guy will be jojo.

like throwing ice-cubes in the air.
and the ice is so danged nasty at times,
EVERYONE slipped.

so you had to hang on.

so since we didn't have 50 bucks or a board to go on the real slopes,
we stopped on the side of the road and found some cover for a storage bin, bahaha.

and i sucked at it.

alona learned that it's not the smartest idea to rest on such a small branch.
because branches break.

people fall, and shoes fall off.

and some people will eat anything....... especially mark

and other people just follow.

so across the road from where we park, we see an open field with an already-made snowman. so we run, and the seemingly stable snow gives way, and we're stuck in thigh-high snow, unable to move. AHHAHAAHAHadskfh'adoihewr

our blank canvas.

Evolution of our Snowman:

a temporary coke-bottle to act as a(n)... idk.

nikki's first vegas friend

what happens in vegas stays in vegas.


oh, and this says shilla, but every sign and billboard is funny.
this is just a little shout-out to shilla, who's leaving shortly.
ohhhh, change.
videos of everyones ride down the meeeeaaanest hill TO COME.

1 comment:

Heenway Mai Guilao said...



oh snap shilla was hilarious.

and yeah, nevermind, you guys didn't need snowclothes, I was trippin. hahaha ice. man that's so awesome you guys got a snowman foundation to decorate. tiiiight.

hahaha jojo is trippin too.

man this is so awesome seeing your guys's travels. traveling the world! snow, billboards, roadtrips, family, evergreen country forests, country roads...DUDE! your adding water to the well.
