Friday, October 5, 2007


every place is a house
the sounds they make

the following installment is merely an adobe art experiment, testing the opacity of 2 layered photographs. in light of my recent mood and music choice, i used (copywritten, im sure) maps and atlases' lyrics, and haleakala/maui photographs. not a unique concept, but it was easy and fun and i like it and ill do it again and this is it and that is it and this is it for now.

on another note, maps & atlases is quickly climbing up the "INSTANT FAVORITE" ladder, along with pudding and mac and cheese.
but if you hate math, then don't click.

Main Entry: won·der·ful
Pronunciation: 'w&n-d&r-f&l
Function: adjective
1 : exciting wonder : MARVELOUS, ASTONISHING
2 : unusually good : ADMIRABLE
- won·der·ful·ly /-f(&-)lE/ adverb
- won·der·ful·ness /-f&l-n&s/ noun

but if you needed another definition for

1 comment:

Heenway Mai Guilao said...

Ohh tight this is the art project eh? SOOOOO beautiful!! "DIVINE!!!" as Ate Juni would say. I want one. I'll just snatch these right now after I write. WONDA-FOO (the berries n cream guy).

AND SO GENIUS, PUT HEALAKALA!!!!if ever you want to picture something beautiful and glorious to match equally labeled lyrics and artistic experiment, it's haleakala. I still can't believe I went to that place, with the things that are represented by houses and samba music but I wish were real. And the things that I'd gladly give up an hour of sleep to send signals floating in the air which should be waves in my ears accomponied by light and images on the rods and cones on my outward and inward mirrors.

But I'm sure Maps and Atlases have had similiar inspiration, I mean, how else could they be so wonderful?

AHHHH!!!! guess what, Yove Lou