Monday, September 10, 2007


as in, this is WAD we do.

first off, how ridiculous is my hair in here?!

kekeke. well im just glad it's growing.


we ate all the ice-cream and we just pose and are crazy like that.

and we're so much cooler than most, cause no one's ever done this on such a serious tour. but who else takes 8-hour tours? dogs were barking.




[edit] haha sorry omingyia what was i thinking...

MANNNNNNNNN THIS PICTURE SERIOUSLY MADE MY HEART QUIVER. LIKE IT WAS LAUGHING AND SMILING AND IT DID A SLIGHT HEAD-TILT AND SIGH. hahahaha, this is when mark made his scarf-tie and we all wanted to copy cause we were so delirious and tired. and it's awesome cause we walked around like this during the tour. but what's the absolute best is that jan has a full-on zebra scarf and that face is priceless. hey what's up, fred flintstone? loves it.

and this is us in an elevator.

i have like literally 700+ more new york pictures. AND MAN MAHINA I DIDNT EVEN SHOW THEM TO YOU. it was so cold and awesome and cold and awesome and awesomely cold. and next time we go it'll be all in the NEG[-]'s and stuff. and we'll die but we'll laugh about it and we'll be sooo cold that it'll be so ridiculous and we'll laugh some more.

cause one time we all went to the mall and then we didnt know where we parked so it was night-time and our first night there, and we were running to different lots. then we got scared that we'd pass out. then we smelled some bad stuff then had to huddle up for the warmth. bahahhaa. awesome. snow. yard. stomping it. stomping the yard.


1 comment:

Heenway Mai Guilao said...

hahaha that hair is tight come on now, and super, like GOLDEN! ahahahah idk, your current japanese doll cut is brilliant, plus you can still do that curly and flip and idk stuff that's reminiscent of the ylang-ylang. haha i love those pictures. i really do.

ANYWESSSS, yeah we've frozen together before eh? we'll make it, i've frozen in Washington many a time. It's for the greater good anyway. Dude you called ate evie ness in this post, is that her new name? maybe...thousands of miles keeps you quite at bay of such changes.

AS FOR ME, ,,,i'm soo excited to see all that, i know i'll get some mad-inspiration and i'll be knocked off my socks, actually, my socks will be knocked off of me. seeing the place that's like, wow, real you know? what's more important than this? make sense? probably does. the song is pretty much complete, andrew's waiting for me to go up to seattle to record it. i've got some offbeat stuff and crazy noises and nice bass lines in my mind to go along with it. i've also made one for all of you guys. it's tight, more of the folky kind of course, dag yo i should be more hip. don't worry andrew knows how to make it tight. so that when the song comes on in the club they gon' be like 'DANNNG THATS HOT!" HAHHA

wellll loveyou. yove lou.