Wednesday, September 19, 2007

"you know?"

Per Sunny's request, neither Waverly-lynn nor Alex were present at the interview.
Like a 25cent ride at your corner grocery store, Sunny went on and on--a merry-go-round of justifications and ramblings on her feelings about the break-up. She glares over her shoulder to her personal assistant/sister, Lana, who pours her a milk tea over cubed ice.

One word to describe the feelings that drove you to your eventual decision to leave the band.

SB: Stifled? Stifled. I guess that would be the best way to describe it. Maybe it's not the best word, but it's the one that comes to mind. Okay yeah, I love them. More than anyone one else would understand, you know? And I'm sick of it, sick of people making all of these assumptions of how we broke up. Money's a big faux-reason. I mean hey, we were all cut the same check, people! And for the most part, we gave back to the community, you know? For every one's support, they got what they gave. All thanks to, me and Alex would talk about it sometimes. What have trees ever given us? Stupid joke about money growing on.. never mind. But it's all about respect, you know? I understood her, and maybe I didn't get why we needed more monkey-pod trees in the world, but it's what she wanted, so most of our proceeds went to charitable causes. Who knew this would be one cause--

So money is a cause?

SB: Did i say cause? I mean factor. So maybe we had misunderstandings, but still, you don't know half of it. No one was there for everything. Most don't realize it, but I was a bridge, connecting Wave to Alex. And what's a bridge used for?

You said it. To connect?

SB: No. I meant that it's walked on. I was walked on. Wave was my friend, and Alex my brother. I'm the middle-man. How many nights did i have to explain to him the fundraisers and missing portions of our paycheck going to "good causes?" "Good cause? What better cause than my new synthesizer?," he'd ask. And I understood that, you know? Money should go back to the band, so that we could go back to the music. So yeah, there we go again-- money. But money doesn't break bands apart, people do.

If not money, then--?

SB: How could write music in our situation? More time spent signing things. Random stackfulls of papers that needed to be signed! Time in offices, studios, driving from one place to another. Hard to write music that way. And already I'm the least creative of them all. Wave, she could see a wonderful color and write a novel and a half about how it made her feel. Alex, he'd look at a math equation and come up with an insane beat. Me? I write off of life. What do I have to write about if I'm not out there experiencing life? Maybe that's why i understood Wave being so adamant about giving back to all of these fundraisers. Back to the trees and the land and the little people.

Back to the trees?

SB: Well without these things, there would be no music. No muse, no music. Simple as pie. But Alex would sometimes make it more complicated, so that it was more like Pi, than pie.

Math reference noted. I understand you and Alex were both "mathletes."

SB: That was a long time ago. Let's talk more about the music, if you don't mind.

Of course. Most would agree we expected at least a good-bye album.

SB: Well yeah. we prided ourselves so much on our things having all this heart. So what happens when that's exactly what it's lacking? I mean no, I shouldn't say it like that. We gave everything we had, you know? Tried to please everyone, but never one another. So what, put out polished poo? No thanks, man. Rather put out something we know we love-- not just what others expected. Cant please the world.

If not a difference in opinion, finances, musical direction, then what was the straw that broke the camels back?

SB: It just got hard, you know? Things aren't so simple after a while because too many people get involved, and have you ever had the world to please? Old fans and new fans, and others who you'd wish would just give you a chance? We were pretty much surrounded by wins and losses. We always considered ourselves optimists, especially when times were grim, but reality started to set in. I guess this was more than just play-time in the downstairs living room. Others were depending on us, and the creative process stopped being so creative. And I think we all agreed that if this was ever going to happen, we'd do so with our integrity in tact.

So there seemed to be a consensus on not putting out music you felt was under par. Knowing this, is there any chance of a reunion? Perhaps sometime in the near future?

SB: Ever get back together again? When its not so hard and moneys not an issue, and once again the process becomes part of of the music I'd more than love to come together again.

Process becomes part of the music? Care to elaborate?

SB: When we can laugh and allow others to be part of the fellowship we enjoy while creating something beautiful. I'd love to put out something that shows our thought process-- cause its something so unique. Many have to get up at 5 o'clock for work, but who gets to do it to watch a sunrise? That's work, but the best kind there is. You know Chuck Pahluniuk? He explains that we are a combination of every person we've ever met. The same is with our music. A combined effort in the melody and lyric. An intermingling of juices and aroma and flavor, in one cup...all we ask is for you to take a sip. We came together with that same thought in mind; that common purpose and intent. If we could see music, you'd see every tear, sigh, laugh. You'd see the frustration in jagged lines across the air and faint pictures of awkward secrets revealed. That's art, you know? Maybe one day we can show people that one day. Not market it, just show it. That's what music is all about and that's why we did it. So yeah now the lines are blurred and the pictures not that clear, but the idea is still vivid, if not in our minds or lives, then in our hearts. We were so privileged, the 3 of us. I hope to have that privilege again someday. Soon.

We look forward to it.

1 comment:

Heenway Mai Guilao said...

ahahhah pie becomes more like Pi ahhahahahahahaa sooo good ma ngya! hahaha see what happens from something as simple as a profile for a blog? from BSROS!? haahahaha
genius minds man. haha but its soo true "whats more important than my new synthesizer?" ahahahahahahah

dying man dying. hahaha saying "you know" all over the place makes it sound soo much like a conversation, like an interview ahahahahaha

stupid waverly-lynn

love yea!