Saturday, September 8, 2007


i just decided that i'd like to start a comic. just kidding. i wanted to for like, a week. wanted to start a comic, that is. i jotted down a few funnies. some things that would make me chuckle, you know? but then i realized that these things are mostly inside jokes. like, YOU HAD TO BE THERE. LOL JU HAD2 BDERE. anyway, i'd do it, except i suck suck suck at a lot of things. like, maybe i like to draw, but i'd probably want to do it on photoshop. and im just not great, you know? maybe if i could find my mouse...

1 comment:

Heenway Mai Guilao said...

OH MAN that's one of the most genius lines i've ever heard by far not even kidding but you have to know how its done in person in order to know the true hilarity.

the drawings matched impecably with the joke. i love it. i'd most def be apart of the fan club of the comic.

i also love how you said it in the text messages last night, it was sooo funny because it was like quarter past midnight i had already fallen asleep and then i hear my text go off and i open my eyes all blinking and slow cuz of the muta and i read the first text and i have no clue i'm just like huh? how come? then i open the second one and then i open the third one and i'm like- GENIUS - and i start laughing. what i wonderful way to send that. hahaha i had no clue. and what a wonderful way to fall back asleep.

ANYWES, chee hoo pono makalapa kauapaani KAA pena. that means hey mang, mahina loves you in my native language of the monarchy.