Wednesday, May 18, 2011

i love my son so much that i'd rather spend time with him than work on this blog. JK, i'm probably facebooking. JK again! except kind of not JK.

anyway, he woke up last night after sleeping in his crib for 2 hrs (YAY!). ever since we returned from our mainland trip, where he had slept in our bed the full 2 weeks, he never returned to his crib. he used to sleep in it til about 6 in the morning when his dad would go to work, then hop into bed with me. but now, he wakes up and screams when there's no armpit to put his face in. i thought that he'd at least roll around and scream while lying down. but imagine my horror when i turned to my right and saw his face, standing there, crying. like um, weren't you sleeping for a really long time? how is it you have the energy to just stand there crying? i'd be so groggy! you must be a superbaby! anyway, into the bed he comes, face into his daddy's side (yay for me, i get more bed space when he's all up in brad). but the dilemma is that he's a longgg bugger, 20 lbs large, with an incredibly PAINFUL kick, and a head that he throws back and forth as a weapon in his sleep, knocking chins, lips and teeth in his path. and how does he know where my chest and stomach is? there's like a honing device in the heels of his feet that knock the wind out of me. but it's fine, cause when he's peacefully sleeping, he's the most adorable thing in the world. and i curl up around him, pretending that he can still fit in my nook. i pretend that he's still in my belly, and that i'm going to give birth to a 20 lb baby without having any type of consequences of my groin lol. i guess the biggest dilemma about him sleeping in our bed is the SMALLEST bed that the 3 of us share! not even a queen, but a FULL that we decided to keep in order to make room for his mini-crib. i can't even stress to you how prized a possession space is in HI. but, we make it work. and when it's dark out and everyone's sleeping, the streetlight streams into our bedroom and i sometimes think that if i stare hard enough that i'll somehow see him growing, like in those time-lapsed videos of people making crop circles, or flowers blooming, etc. and if i kiss him enough, he'll stop growing for a second. i always wonder if i've given him a million kisses. i think i'm almost there. anyway, my monster's woken up so it's time to play stern mama again.

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