Sunday, July 18, 2010

he is so cool.

my babyboy is super cool. at first he kind of sucked and i wanted to return him cause he fussed a lot at night. but he must have sensed that i was threatening things in my head, because the next night he was amazing. then the next night he sucked again. then the night after that he was cool again. since then, hes been consistently well-behaved. he doesnt cry unless his dad is changing his clothes, since he doesnt how to take his onesie past his face in one sweeping motion. he fusses a little when his poo doesn't come out at the first push. but other than that you could scream in front of him and he wont wake. he gets poked and prodded at the doctor's and wont cry more than 15 seconds once he's been comforted. i guess there are a bunch of pros to him having stayed in the hospital for 3 weeks.

so he's officially 1 month today. but gestationally he's only 36 weeks. weird, huh? like he's here, healthy, strong...(-unusually- strong), and he shouldnt even be. so technically he's negative 1 month old. anyway, this is him.


Heenway Mai Guilao said...

hahahah awwwww he's so observant and so calm! those are very good qualities haha. He's totally all brad for now i'm excited to see what he'll be as time passes, more and more things will be shown

Three Pretty Girls said...

He's pretty cool at negative one.i like how he's checking stuff out. Can't wait for him to be a little more maybe positive one to start...then we can go from there. I'm thinking at some higher positive integer he'll be like, 'get this towel off my head!'. I've seen it happen to other babies.

sandra said...

i wish i started recording from when he was crying, cause once the towel came on he stopped crying immediately lol. my mom said it's good for them to cry though, so that it strengthens their lungs? so im poking him as we speak so that he'll cry. jk.

he's crying cause he's poo'ing and his arms are flying everywhere and its startling him. im not comforting him, its kind of funny. and its sort of counterproductive when i comfort him cause then he relaxes and the poo goes back in. or maybe it'll help him relax so it'll come out? Hmm, lets see.

he only has my nose :( but i dont really want him to have anything else of mine EL OH EL!