Tuesday, August 5, 2008

miley cyrus looks weird

well, i'm taking the previous PHANTOM BLOG THAT WAS MADE WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE as a hint that i need to get over my BLOGGERS-BLOCK with a fresh post about something stupid.

today's stupid post is going to be the one thing that distracted me while i was in a pretty important conversation with my buddy Joel. i literally stopped in my tracks just to shudder.
i've figured out that sometimes straight teeth arent the most important thing. in fact, i'm beginning to love people with crooked teeth, slight imperfections, and even the rabbit teeth that make the surrounding 2 teeth look miniature and kind of baby-like. like, rabbit teeth with surrounding baby bunnies. anyway, miley cyrus is kind of annoying and it's pretty funny.

anyves, this past month has been pretty great. i've been happy, waking up in the morning, and accomplishing lots. keeping busy and actually enjoying being up when the sun's still fresh. morning dew and all, yo! i've learned the value of being disciplined and am hoping that i can maintain my current schedule. this calls for sacrifices, but they've always been followed up with ample blessings. september is right around the corner, which i'm excited for. i'm seeing it as a fresh start, really....

i told myself that i would cut out all the time-wasters, which is why i'm not sure what's been happening on hannah montana, or what's up with oprah. i know that some cool stuff happened in America, cause i overheard it coming from Janelle's room on the Today Show. i dont know if Britney Spears is okay or what the Kardashians have been up to....cause i refuse to waste any more time on thesuperficial.com. in fact, i dont even know why i'm on here.

well, i better go if im gonna make 80 hours by noon....tomorrow i'm gonna have to make another 150, so yeah.


Heenway Mai Guilao said...

I'm so ricken mad i watched two seconds of that stupid video

Heenway Mai Guilao said...

i'm so happy you wake up early and stuff. :D


Heen Way

Desiree said...

omg yeah that song and video. her teeth have always bothered me. but who am i to say that? my mouth is a project itself. hahahhaaha. a very expensive project but worth it (i guessssssssssssssssss) lol. hey jessica alba had braces two times! crap maybe i might too :( ahhahahahhahahahahha okay, im glad you're catchin all that morning dew and such yipee! see ya later rolldawgggggggggg.


Desiree said...

deng it, that's supposed to be a sad face if you noticed after "crap maybe i might too" lol.

Joel said...

Hahaha we both stopped in our tracks. "sha" I still don't know how she got so famous. "sha" I tried watching more of the video than what we saw that night, but it's just too hard. :"sha" (

Joel said...

deng it, that's supposed to be a sad face if you noticed after "sha" lol.

Unknown said...

"you got the beesssst of both worlds, chill it out take it slow then you rock out the show..."

i'll admit i was once a hannah fantanna. but that was before she got horses teeth and called out ACDC. what in the world was she thinkin? actin like her MnM crew can beat CB and Jabba? say whaaa?! she dun lost her mind yo!

ohhh shaaaa marrrzzz!

i heart you atchra-matchra
thanks for the talks:P

i love you like a fat girl loves cookies...auuuuurrriiiiiite!!!

Three Pretty Girls said...

1 month and 6 days