Monday, January 21, 2008



its just that,
if you have to hide it, it's probably not a good thing. and if it's the words that you love, then when you have to catch your breath, it's probably just cause your heart's not healthy or maybe you've just drank or eaten something thick, like a milkshake. or maybe it's just heartburn. and if you cant stop thinking about it, it's just an intense like (verb), which isn't love. basically, it's not love because love is honest. and if youre not being honest to others then youre most likely not being honest with yourself.
it's just that,
the definition of a man differs with every person. but for us, with such unique circumstances, the amount of bricks he has, the amount he is able to carry, or the ones of gold he has in the bank matters very little. so he's the epitome of the physical man, with some endearing emotional qualities. so what? i guess i recently learned that in the long run, the physical man cannot support the spiritual woman.
it's just that,
to say a situation is complicated is a general cop-out. a blanket statement for something you probably just dont want to do. it's not complicated.

unless by complicated you mean....

Main Entry:
Late Latin complexus totality, from Latin, embrace, from complecti
1: a whole made up of complicated or interrelated parts
2 a: a group of culture traits relating to a single activity (as hunting), process (as use of flint), or culture unit b (1): a group of repressed desires and memories that exerts a dominating influence upon the personality (2): an exaggerated reaction to or preoccupation with a subject or situation c: a group of obviously related units of which the degree and nature of the relationship is imperfectly known d: the sum of factors (as symptoms) characterizing a disease or condition
3: a chemical association of two or more species (as ions or molecules) joined usually by weak electrostatic bonds rather than covalent bonds
4: a building or group of buildings housing related units

so tell me, is it 1 or 2?
well anyway, i've learned oh so many things, like how difficult it can be to take correction, especially when you see those giving it to you as being so flawed. but i guess it's the general act of taking off the blinders that's at times difficult. but maybe we just shouldnt be so one-track minded, listening to one person and one person only, literally closing the door to others. if majority wins, then maybe majority's right about things. and yes, this can prove true even if majority doesnt know the exact specifics. sometimes it's just about principal. to overanalyze and overcomplicate something to death is probably being done to justify an action.
it's just that,
when things like ultimatums are given by people in no real position to be demanding or expecting things, then yes, a considerable amount of respect will be lost, and rightfully so.
and if chalk lines have been blurred, maybe you should not have drawn them in chalk.
maybe try a sharpie next time.
or it's like when someone asks you for a dollar and you're so adamant about not giving it to them. you stand by it and you say no, no way, not this dollar, not my dollar, even going as far as reasoning with them why it is this dollar cannot be theirs, and how this dollar is going somewhere else. but then you give them 2 dollars worth of minutes and time and words and actions and smitteness.
so no, it's not complicated. it's probably just hard.
and ok, maybe it doesnt have to be hard.
it's like building a mountain with your bare hands, day by day, conversation by conversation,
then crying over the fact that youre going to have to climb it later.
it's not hard if you stop while it's still a mole-hill.

so yeah

oh then i googled rules of thumb, and here's an actual real one thats not even made up,

"Principles don't change with circumstances. That's what makes them
George Colombo

oh also, that's not even a rule of thumb. this page i was on was all of these life quotes. so um, that doesnt count, but everything else still stands.


Heenway Mai Guilao said...

ahahahah Gror,Tot, aGrot ahahahaha

oh my gulay that's all so true!!!!
to the physical man spiritual things are foolishness, but they're everything to spiritual people!!! faithful in least = in much.

and yeah, if you gotta hide it its probably wrong ahah, its funny how that's actually been a "rule of thumb" sort of thing for me.

n yeah, you know, things are never really as hard as it seems. with all the important things happening and going to happen that we must get ready for and help other people get ready for and everything, the grand scope of things, we worry more often than not about petty things, which can take over our lives, or minds, our power and gifts of reason,, of HAPPINESS con fonnit!!!

What do we lack? NOTHING!

How much do we lose? ALOT!


^ instance in which "never" can be used!

anywes, i love your work, i'm a fan! will you sign my blog magazine? sign it to waverly thanks!

haha love!

Heenway Mai Guilao said...

i got it now haha, though the above is still true and there.

in addition, infatuation blinds you but love opens your eyes! please promise you will slap me if i put on even one pirate eye patch.

Joel said...

Sorry, i got a little intimidated from reading all of that. Deep, insightful, and very true. But i just wanted to comment on the new Title image!
How can a person hold their hair up with chopsticks? that's just insane! Need aquanet with that. if not the hair will just fall back down.

Now let me get back to reading this blog on rules of thumbs, thumbs of rules that are great.