Tuesday, November 13, 2007

my son,

my sun.
well, i wont know how it is to be a real mother anytime soon. but as long as you can see up my nose, that fact doesnt quite matter. and yes, those two dont at all relate.

in other wonderings,
why are israeli's (?) so great at volleyball? and why do i love watching men's volleyball? the second is rhetorical. and yes, these two do very much relate.

1 comment:

Heenway Mai Guilao said...

NEPHEW!!! I miss getting yelled at and violated...not so much the latter but good aunties love past such things.

Oh, may I offer explanation to your query? - Because girl's volley ball is crap. Because men playing volleyball is not crap. That is why.

Remember when you were like,...nevermind.

Oh, yeah Digitata. I don't know why you always choose the trees from Africa. But who else is Baobab? Did you know that the flowers are huge and crazy and bloom at night? And they store water and stuff in their trunk because they like to think ahead, making sure they have what they need for a time of shortage, and willingly give to the other living things that are drawn to them.

Anything smart enough to look past the intimidating exterior (or intimidating to most, namely, the ignorent) finds out their instincts were true, that this tree is very welcoming, and is rooted deep.

Maybe you read that when you read about Digitata. But there's a few different kinds. ANYWESSSSSS
salad time!
