Wednesday, July 30, 2008


check it!

the only two members in the BABYBOY fan club.
she's commented enough to have a quick blog dedication, as small as this may be.
we're usually not successful in taking shots like these. for example, the field day with the various kid/baby-cries...and back-seat FAILURE. LOL. LOLOLOLOL. AH, YOU DONT GET IT.


Desiree said...

babyboy fanclub!!!!! cheepono!! president and vice-prezzz. hahaha. there's been so many fail moments with pictures. AIIIII why wasnt anything working that day?! hahahhaha kayyyyyyyyyyy 2 year project to get babyboy to see whats real. HAHA. .

Desiree said...

jk btw ppl. lol.

Heenway Mai Guilao said...

haha ohh b-boy lovin. that's a really tight picture yo, you shoulda put up all the fails hahahha. i miss you guys tremendously!

Heen Way off Kahuapaani