Wednesday, July 30, 2008


check it!

the only two members in the BABYBOY fan club.
she's commented enough to have a quick blog dedication, as small as this may be.
we're usually not successful in taking shots like these. for example, the field day with the various kid/baby-cries...and back-seat FAILURE. LOL. LOLOLOLOL. AH, YOU DONT GET IT.

Monday, July 21, 2008

nahss. rilly rilly nahss.

(click to enlarge)

a showcase of Desiree Jayne Cenabre Cabiling's pictures. kekeke,
there arent very many words to blog about when it comes to what was learned. just many things that i need to apply. the blogs will be kept to a minimum; i was just in serious need of a blog with picturessss. so this is up for anyone to jack, pretty much. or stare at. some people like to stare. OKBYE

Thursday, July 17, 2008

a post without pictures.

k, so this is pretty weaaaak again. just cause all I've had are words, and that sometimes sucks.

but this is beinng written from my phone, and it's just to give an update to my readers that tomorrow my life changes for the better! I'm done with the second job and I feel as though a huge weight's been lifted. I'm pretty salty that I took on that weight in the first place.

I admit that I was being an idiot. I got slightly distracted, but I feel that I'm on my way to regaining proper footing.

my-heena goes back today. ehrr, she left today. then she came back again. and then she left again. suckaaa. niiiiice.

and I probably won't have a chance to be writing a bunch of nonsense cause I'm trying my best to manage my time and energy better.

which is why I'm writing this out while I'm takin a crap.

joke's on you.

Monday, July 7, 2008

jus' been tag'd, son!

okay so this has been floating the blogspot spaces for a while, but heen's playing along now and i've just been tagged
so, 16 is a steep number, and i really wanna modify this bad boy so that i tell you 8 true-sies and 8 false-ies but that's kind of cheating and kind of annoying. granted, this is very similar to the previous post, but also very different, dont you agree?
cause that was about me, about how i feel about "YOU."
and now this is ME, and all the things i bet you didn't know.
(which is difficult, cause i usually like to just put things out there, and rarely get the time to sit down and realize things about myself)
but i should probably just shut up and save it for the list. lawolawlolol

1. i really really really really wish that i was insanely amazing at video games. i found out that i actually really enjoy a good rpg and the story behind it, and my favorite continues to be FFVII, and that's pretty generic, but its the truth. i played ragnarok before and my name was "little lemon" from a deerhoof song. i was bad at everything i did and i get nervous pretty easily, especially when theres an audience. my mind cant communicate fast enough with my hands.

2. im the siiiickest LUMINES player you will ever meet, i kid you not. i daaaare you to challenge me. i'm stupid-good and even dreamt about it while i was "trying" to beat the game. (i use the word 'trying' very loosely, as it all came so easy) we took a trip to maui and challenged one another-- i was so amazing that i even discouraged Eric from playing. i was really really proud. i wish i had the balls to enter competitions if they had them.

3. i get nervous in front of huge crowds, which should be very surprising, considering how willing i am to make an axe out of myself when i think no ones watching. i think that kind of spotlight is stupid when i'm in it. i'd rather pull a beyonce and have my girls backin me up.

4. i am an extreme EMPATHIZER. i get it from my momma. it's a blessing and a curse. it's no exaggeration to say that if you start crying in front of me, i'll probably do the same. if i see someones dignity taken away, i have to physically turn away. or like, one time, this guy at costco got his hotdog and was happy to get it, and then it dropped, and he looked so sad, and my heart was broken. (WAIT. THIS MAY NOT HAVE HAPPENED TO ME. I SEE IT IN MY HEAD, BUT THIS EXPERIENCE JUST MAY BELONG TO JANELLE. EXCEPT I FEEL THE HURT IN HIS HEART SO MUCH THAT I CAN SEE IT HAPPENING, AND THE LOOK OF DISAPPOINTMENT ON HIS FACE. MY BUTT CHEEKS ARE CLENCHED.)

5. i want to be an organized person, but my genetic make-up will not allow for it. my parents are pack-rats that most of the time think harder, not smarter. a cluttered room makes for a cluttered mind, which might be why others find me "interesting" (or weird?)

6. my room is actually an enclosed outside patio, which is why i dont have 4 full walls. it sucked in the beginning, but now it's PIMP NASTY, and my buddy edmond is gonna put in track lighting so that it's PIMP NASTY to the Nth DEGREE. i'm really proud.

7. my entire body is noticeably assymetrical, SAAAAD_FAAAAAAAACE. no seriously, it sucks. one side is so weak that i sometimes limp. other times i have to walk funny to compensate, AND, i cant fix it. it's only getting worse. the whole right side is seriously like... HE-MAN. or SHE-RA.

8. i like what my blog has become.

9. it's easier to write to you than speak to you.

10. it's easier to type my feelings than write them.

11. i can type so fast, it's stupid. it's insane. i'm not joking. i wish i was. i've been typing since i was 8 years old. i dont want to challenge you. i dont want to embarrass you.

12. i want lots and lots of children because i love children, and im pretty sure my children are gonna suck bad as punishment for every stupid thing i've ever done in my life. but i'll love them anyway. i think about it a lot, and i know that some will be super dope and others will be so weird. i wont understand them at all. then i'll finally understand what my parents went through. cause they will rebel and i'll be all pissed. lololol. oh it also sounds stupid that i say "i love children," cause i'll love them after they grow up too.

13. i used to think my parents were crazy and weird, but i'm actually very very very thankful for my upbringing. while the circumstances were not ideal, i'm happy at who i've become. not necessarily the path and decisions i made for myself to get there, but for the outcome. and i know i have my parents to thank.

14. i secretly pinch kids who dont listen to their parents. i dont even feel bad at all. i should really be pinching the parents of these same kids. but then again, it's hard yo.

15. my name was supposed to be Samantha, after Samantha Micelli, Alyssa Milano's character from Who's the Boss. but i wouldnt match. but i also don't feel like i'm a "SANDRA." (OOH, TOPIC FOR A FUTURE RELATED BLOG: WHAT NAME MATCHES ME AS FAR AS FEATURES AND PERSONALITY? COME ON AMERICA, WE NEED YOUR INPUT! that means YOU, heen, alo, des, joel, and uncle roy. lol.)


alright, in order to break this cycle, and becaaaause i dont know anyone else that hasnt done this already, i choose--

1. Jason Schwartzman. because you're a Coppola
2. Michael Ian Black, because you're the original one in my heart.
3. Michael Cera, cause you're my LOLOLOLer.
4. Joel Stein, cause your wife's name is Sandra, and i love you too.
5. um, a random chick to break up this jewish man-fest
6. Ricky Ullman, cause you're PHIL OF THE FUTURE LMAO.
7. Sheila, cause you can't do it cause you dont have a blog, and that's funny.
8. Roger, cause Heena told HER dad to do it.
9. Bradley, cause you're amazing.
10. Heena, cause it's not hard, since you already did it.
11. Desiree, cause you're irking and i love it.
12. Valerie, cause you're my alternate best friend.
13. Mark, cause you'd put funny stuff and i'd laugh, and then your friend PhillyRoll can read it too LMAO
14. uh oh wasnt i only supposed to choose 10 people? okay, i get extra credit for this mess.


Friday, July 4, 2008

ten things i wont say.

jacked this from a canadian, but i remember reading it on someones myspace a long time ago. i laughed hard at one because it talked about someone's B.O. and hahaha that would be on this list if there werent more things to discuss right now.

Essentially, here are 10 things that I want to say to different people, but probably never will. The people in question are NOT identified, and you can only use a person once.

1. you are by far the cutest person in my life right now. i dont know what to do about it. i cant stand to be around people who make me nervous, and you do that. this is so high school. i dont even feel like i'd be settling. i know we're different, but i think you're amazing.

2. i wish you werent so angry. then we could probably do more together, and maybe you wouldnt be so fat? your insides are so skinny though.

3. it bothers me a lot when you trivialize my concerns or feelings. i always always always listen to you, so why can't you do the same? why do you see my mountains as mole-hills, and turn my giants into windmills? i understand well that you're doing it to help me rationalize and reason, but sometimes i think you're failing to empathize. at least sympathize.

4. a huge part of me hates you for not coming to your senses yet. i hate that you're about 3 years over your due date to come back. i hate that you're not even trying. i hate that i would actually say these things to your face if i could. i also talk loud on purpose so that you can hear how much i've changed. hopefully one day i'll say something to strike a chord to show you that you're so stupid for how you're living your life. and i wish your pride was tangible so i could hit it hard and watch it bruise. lol jk.

5. i see you as my best friend, but i've taught myself not to believe in best friends.

6. i wont come to your wedding. it would be wrong. (but i so badly want to dress up.)

7. i regret ever meeting you.

8. because of you, i trust almost no one. because before you, i trusted everyone. because of you, i make it hard for people to take me seriously. i dont care if other people dont take me seriously. but i wish you did.

9. if you're so dag smart and happy, why are you in the world? you're such an idiot and i'm not even allowed to rub it in your face. i want to though. i do.

10. YOURE LAH_CKY! YOURE SOOOO LAH_CKYYYYY!!!! how do all the mediocre randoms of the world get the good ones? the pick of the litter? i dont get it, and that gets to me.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


internet is down. moments like these, I willingly take back my comments to those with smartphones (when I was without), about how going on the internet on a babyscreen when a larger screen was available a table away was plain ridiculous. now that our modems out of date and can't get a guy to come in to fix it til idk when, the house is falling apart. there's constant tension, short fuses...pestilence, hunger, riots in the street.
obvious jk, but I'm still falling apart a little bit. I have no reason to open up my laptop, and we've resorted to looking at old saved pictures as internet. this leads to a slight depression after counting the number of chins you once had dotdotodot...
anyway, we were so cute, guys. soo cute as teenagers running around new york. we got excited when we saw sushi and an opportunity to eat white rice.

oh you know hawaii is on the internet more than any other.... nm, I forgot the statistic.

song of the day: anything off of viva la vida is pretty crazy great. no shame here, guys. no shame.

I get my soul back from starbucks on the 16th. teeheehee. (please don't sue me)