Wednesday, May 21, 2008


what the...
thanks to heen for honestly telling me that my hair was crazy.


edelen said...

hello sandra friend(and/or) cousin of mahina! (im not too sure which you are but that's ok!)

you hair is not scary, it's very voluminous and GOLDEN! i couldn't pull off golden hair -_- go you for having and looking good with gold hair!!

Heenway Mai Guilao said...

haha wha not even i just said you look good with darker hair AS WELL as the sunny hair. though i dooo like the darker hair alot, but either way its tight.

sa rang ham nidaaaa

Joel said...
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Joel said...
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Joel said...

hey you're probably the only filipina I know that CAN pull the Farrah Fawcett look. Nice job, Sanders.

Three Pretty Girls said...

your hair be crazy? i don't think so...that ain't crazy

crazy is combovers
crazy is 3 ponytails
crazy is perm-ing the top of your head but not the sides
crazy is wearing a black toupee with your gray whiskers
crazy is faux hawks
crazy is hat hair
and crazy is any guy who hi-lites

yup...thems crazy