Wednesday, April 23, 2008

it's about time...

considering the many changes that occured within the span of a week, a post including said moments in pictures seems apropos.
with all moves and appointments... mm, granted, it makes my insides tighten a little bit, but im able to swallow any feelings of sadness knowing that all of this signaled a growth that some maybe had not first noticed.

grrr, this trend is a growing one, because i think we've all gotten the hint that those who are able, simply should. and that strong ties and roots shouldnt hold you back from furthering your service in ways that you can. with that said, im appreciative to those who have paved the way.

first, one from hansel--

i know mang rose has a much better picture, but this is the only one that i have on my computer. i think i always had a feeling that this would be our last year together. first and lasts, actually. and we're actually missing one, so you can see why there was cause so much joy.


you know me and how im all about the maka aaarte for the part-ay. jk, im not.
but, here's some good ones from the DIAS GOING AWAY BASH 2008---

(i actually really really really wanted a blog dedicated solely to the dias'... but as good as i am with the words, especially those of merriment or moments of retardation, the ones i have for the dias' just simply do not suffice. as able as i am to help with lyrics to songs of appreciation, i couldnt possibly hope to properly convey my gratitude. so it's pretty bad, because im not even going to try. im going to shallowly skim the surface, in hopes that you understand that with no words, im actually saying more.)

HAHA, they probably didnt even know that the cupcakes had words. well, they were christmas cupcakes (an obvious JK), but if i used blue, they would have been patriotic ones, so green seemed appropriate. seeing as green means life. and stuff.

if i had known that this wasnt gonna be a dessert-fest, i would have made like 97 more batches, but it's okay because im kind of a cupcake-making machine and will probably make more for others later.
my dad ate it at home cause he was convinced that he wouldnt get a taste. he was kind of right.
:( xin looooi.

i was gonna have some pictures of the choir, but i've only got some of the sopranos, altos, and baritones. uhh, i dont think the tenors took a group shot! OHS NOS. also, i havent any group ones, so if you have a ringo, check out des', or even hazel's caussseeee theyve got better ones HKEHEKHAKEHHEKEKEEKE.


pickle and sheila

HAHA, we're all reunited and stuff. sheila, hide that jacket cause i'm so close to burning that mess.

shayna, pretty much my best friend. i usually dont like little girls who are so smart, but hers is more about wisdom and experience rather than knowledge. i dont know if she's the greatest cause i'm such a child or because shes such an adult. either way, she knows that sheila doesnt like mornings, when stereo likes to be playful, and that we shouldnt have to take all day waiting for him to go potty.

the dias' and jordan! ugh, i take pictures of the stupidest things, or unnecessary people like mark (HAHA).... but we didnt even take one with the dias'. haha idgits.

anyway, this shot's relevant.
deven caught not being a hardaxe.
he's pretty much the smartest person ever, with an ear that bleeds perfection.


Heenway Mai Guilao said...

hahaha uncle roger is smart, and thinks ahead.

devon is a musical genius. also very cool.

the dias(es?) diazes. k. they are sooo lovely and funny.

halawa pioneers, including the sheila, i adore so much. its zealous up in there man.

i didn't even get any cupcakes.

loooooove loooove love.

Joel said...

Only thing is, if you can remember the good times with the Dias'. Like how Lorna would throw gatherings at their place (From what i've heard), as an example, that's MERRIMENT. Or when I caught Carlos on the side of the dance floor, doing a jumping jacks/dance thing at your parents anniversary. There's your RETARDATION. Not that he was acting retarded, but maybe cause I watched and some how wanted to jump in there with him. Dont know.

I know you can think of something. Maybe this will be some what of a challenge for you. to write about them. That skit they did was nice. Never had them in the congregation but man wish i did.

Joel said...

no cupcakes for me either. and Bonus! i'm not as musically geniousy as Devon.

Unknown said...

i loved that night. the food. the people. the entertainment. the games.

i love thanksgiving


maka-artay for the par-tay!