Monday, July 30, 2007

for edification purposes

and for clarification.

understand that i dont write the way i talk; except i kindaaa write the way i talk (in that, i write the way i joke. i joke when i talk, so i write the way i talk. but i do not write the way i talk). the run-on sentences are all intentional; the mispelled words are sometimes intentional, and the complete disregard for both proper grammar and sentence structure are probably intentional (probably, just cause HEY, IM IMPERFECT).
i love "justcause" and "HEY" and "HEYGUYS" and "LIKE," the way i love things about life and love. i love extreme analogies and things that clearly make no sense. i like the word "CLEARLYYYY," but mostly when it's followed by "i know a lot about _______."

and the only reason i dont use capital letters or proper punctuation is because
1) i think it looks better
b) well, HEY GUYS, like, cleeeearlyyy, i know a lot about what looks good, but like, i dont know how to properly use the semi-colon. jaykay!

i enjoy the sound of tagalog words, but i hate tagalog. the way i love the use of ilokono in T.S.'ing, but sometimes frown in its culture. i love "INITIALS," except i know they are not "initials."

and of everyone, trust that i know best the power of words in its minimalist form. why say in 50 what you can say in 5? because it's funny, that's why.

well, my writing's turned to crap. but mostly cause it's not quite writing. it's life and joking (mahina-style), turned to words. i like writing out my thought-process cause i like things in its raw form, be it music or life in general. and while i could probably (everyday, even!) put out a cohesive polished piece talking bout "my views on life, love, and politics" (except never politics, cause...dontknowdontcare), i find it funnier to... not. just cause, it's not "me," anymore. and i'd rather laugh at the end than get a migraine.

in other news, there's this car i always see that says "blood is thicker then water"

i drive past it then say out loud, "blood is thicker.... THEN water."

blood comes first when it comes to what's thickest. water is second, guys !

well, it's alwaysalwaysalways 4life4life4life funny to see seemingly indefinitely-lasting stickers be grammatically incorrect.


haha pluralsss.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Coffee or Tea?
1960 Kapiolani Blvd # 106, Honolulu, HI
(808) 942-4357

get it right, get it tight.

Thursday, July 26, 2007


this is the lamest ive felt all week. seriously, im embarrassed sitting here, admitting that ive been listening to brand new again. not like im some true fan who knows all discography, lyrics, release dates, band members, etc. as if i know what happens on track 9 at 2:34. i dont, so dont get mad.
but im listening to "the boy who blocked his own shot" and it's not like im falling on the ground dying over it. but im actually listening to it and it just feels weird when words seem to apply so hard?
haha yeah im sort of hunching over in embarrassment right now. i feel like hiding my face, but no one's in this room so i guess i wont.

hold on; stereo's putting his mini-paws on my knees and leaning on me. trying to get me to throw lion-head. HAHA i didnt have to type this, but that was my way of sharing that tidbit.

well, i like it. so sue me.

If it makes you less sad, I will die by your hand.
I hope you find out what you are.
I already know what I am.
And if it makes you less sad, we'll start talking again.
And you can tell me how vile I already know that I am.
I'll grow old and start acting my age.
I'll be a brand new day in a life that you hate.
A crown of gold.
A heart that's harder than stone.
And it hurts a whole lot, but it's missed when it's gone.

Call me a safe bet. I'm betting I'm not.
I'm glad that you can forgive.
Only hoping as time goes, you can forget.

If it makes you less sad, I'll move out of the state.
You can keep to yourself.
I'll keep out of your way.
And if it makes you less sad, I'll take your pictures all down.
Every picture you paint, I will paint myself out.
It's cold as a tomb, and it's dark in your room, when I sneak to your bed to pour salt in your wounds.
So call it quits or get a grip.
You say you wanted a solution.
You just wanted to be missed.

Call me a safe bet.
I'm betting I'm not.
I'm glad that you can forgive.
I'm only hoping as time goes, you can forget...
So you can forget
You can forget

You are calm and reposed.
Let your beauty unfold
Pale white like the skin stretched over your bones.
Spring keeps you ever close.
You are second hand smoke.
You are so fragile and thin.
Standing trial for your sins.
Holding onto yourself the best you can.
You are the smell before rain.
You are the blood in my veins.

Call me a safe bet.
I'm betting I'm not.
I'm glad that you can forgive.
I'm only hoping as time goes, you can forget.

i hope you know that each time i swallow hard it's an acknowledgement of everything ive done. every exhale is the admittance of every wrong. and i sometimes think that every chill i get is my own self-condemning heart, reminding me that im not allowed to forget. i am aware that i'll forever be wrong in your eyes; if it changes anything, know that i live life with that in mind. and if effort makes any difference, im trying my hardest to make things right.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


like one of those things where you exhale and can honestly say that it would be okay to die now.

more of ALL THINGS SHINS to come.


Girl inform me all my senses warn me your clever eyes could easily disguise some backwards purpose it's enough to make me nervous. Do you harbor sighs, or spit in my eye? But your lips when we speak are the valleys and peaks of a mountain range on fire. So let me walk these coals till you believe I can cut the mustard well enough 'cause you know as soon as breathe we scrutinize Unknown quotients, you must be using potions. How else could you tie my head to the sky? This new confection has left me wondering why I can't concern myself with ordinary trite. Like what's this morning's paper got to say, and which brand of coffee to make, this is no umbrella to take into the wind,but before we begin, is there nothing to kill this anxiety?But your lips when we speak are the valleys and peaks of a mountain range on fire. So let me walk these coals 'till you believe I can cut the mustard well enough 'cause you know as soon as breathe we scrutinize the paint away.



i call these "CRAPPETS," cause theyre pretty much crappy snippets of whatever i recorded. umm, these were the longest ones; the rest of the time i was jumping and dancing :( so enjoy. enjoy? enjoyy?? enjoyyy??? you might not; you probably wont. but try really hard and watch them if you want. BUT ONLY IF YOU WANT.

saint simon

caring is creepy x2

depeche mode cover-- dreaming of me. wowow?!

just some stuff

Monday, July 23, 2007


you know what? i have a bunch of words for these pictures but i probably shouldnt say them. just cause- HAHAHAHA, those are exercise balls, and HAHAHA this is a park ! and then HAHAHAHTAKAHAHATAMANAHAHA, that poooose !

me and one of my most favorite people. he actually genuinely pisses me off at least once a month. the kind where im like, 'are you serious, paul?...really?' because im sitting or standing there hoping that he's just joking...cause maybe it'd be better if he was just joking. but trust me guys, he's not. but he's obviously a favorite cause he gets away with it and i still keep him in my life. but that would probably imply that i had some sort of a choice. jay kay !

he's cooler than most of you will ever know. to everyone else, he's scary.


deven is a back-lurker and is pretty good cause he got into the shot so well that you'd never know that he was. this is an example of where the photographer in themselves noticed the lurker and gave the lurker an allotted lurker-space, thus turning the back-lurker into one of the photograph's focal points. HAHAHA
this next installment is a series of shot that i call,




another serious favorite. favorite person, that is. no photoshop involved, that flare above his head is no spirit; just the sun. nice.

can we find some words, guys? people in cardboard boxes are so genius. the people who cheer them on are even better. the people who watch the people who are cheering on the people in the cardboard boxes think they're number 1, but they're not-- the ones in the boxes are. ok?

mill. banana. cardboard. swinging. egg...
i should have taken two shots and turned it into a .gif, because only then could you understand. this is only half the story. sorry.

this installment is called








these miscellaneous shots are a visual definition of the word


this is jordan again; probably scaring someone a lot less understanding.

and some blurry people playing blursketblurall.

...there is no superior, and no one's better than anyone else, but everyone else is better than you (you got that?!). buttttt, i think in that same breath im allowed to say that we're all pretty much entitled to our own opinion. and from what i know and have seen, the people i now choose to surround myself with are mighty superior to most.....haha jaykay(butnotjaykay). not to say that your friends are inferior, but do you seeee the things we do? rainy parks with people hidden among cardboard boxes, defying gravity, misused work-out balls, and BANANA-EGG (caramel-and-banana)! if pictures tell a thousand words, then i've got a thousand stories. mental ones that i wish i could somehow develop; just cause, i had my digi-cam, but the battery failed a little after sun-down. i didn't even get the
JUSPUTIAAAA (you dont owwwnnnnnn me jusputia)
fingers, chins and heads. the fingers are on the chin or on the head. and what they're doing is scratching. trying to figure out if these pictures tell a story. i guess they're scratching to get their noggin to start working, telling it, 'hurry, have you figured it out yet? what makes this congregation so cool?'
its a bunch of mangs and kuyas and ates (hm, not so much ates, but mostly mangs, ok?), and adings and babies with baby woaders. you still dont get it cause there's not much for outsiders to get. but if you came along, we'd probably treat you like we've known you our whole lives. and if you're a good one with good intentions, we'll have the rest of our lives to make that true. HAHA INSERT SMILEY FACE HERE OK.

i like em i love em i like it i love it !

Sunday, July 22, 2007

lite lites

US AGAIN. AGAIN. this looks like we bought this from disneyland or something. or like universal studios or california adventure of those. BUT NO, this is DOLE and this is a graduation party. betcha betcha dontcha dontcha wish

this is what we do at parties to entertain ourselves. no flash, cause then the effect is lost. just a longer exposure, and pleeaaase hold our laugh. im thinking of someone and well...

it's RJ. and he's all looking up at me. he really isnt, but if pictures told stories and if people were used to assumptions, then that's what you get out of it, now isnt it? yes.

and at the end of the night keone flashes his insides and we see his true colors; green and gray, that is. nice and completely candid.

and this is the grad guy, grant guy, grant guy the grad guy. its his party and we're just WAITING FOR TONIGHT-- J-LO-style. except these arent quite lasers...

party thing.

kekeke the pose is back. BLUR, because it's shakeyshakey 1-2-3.
blur again, but do you get it yet?
what's funniest is history getting you table 38. behind the pillar, no less. what's a bit funnier is getting table 3. and a spotlight.

Friday, July 20, 2007

1984 !

hi jake ryan


hi guys ! still no words ! just pictures !

this thing makes me mad.
PARQUE is for real.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

1995 !

Say, Ambular?
Was that you going through my laundry?
As if. Like I would really wear something from Judy's.
Do you prefer fashion victim or ensembly challenged?

go to kinkos and xerox me.

she only loves her stereo

all i gotta say is, dont roll up in here like you know this guy. he lurks in gap boxes and knows whassup. hes also a trooper and recently got sack-surgery that he tends to night and day.



i dont feel like saying anything. or writing anything. cause sometimes there are



except this is something that i find funny but also angers me in many ways. i mean, im not at all FOR animal cruelty. but why do i want to punch this dog in the face SO BAD? i know a few people that wouldn't necessarily agree, but probably wouldnt stop me. marco will also think that this dog is just ridiculous, but im not going to ask him because he already knows that he would probably punch it too. mahina wouldnt punch it but she would yell at it or at least yell at a picture of it. sheila is just going to laugh at me while i punch it but she'll just judge me later. the rest of the world is judging me right now.

whatever. im mind-punching it. and its owner.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007




Monday, July 16, 2007



i hope you know that sometimes i'd like to write a list about every way that you've wronged me. not necessarily wronged me, but i'd like to keep account of every time youve been wrong. i hate the things you say and how you treat people sometimes. you think you're cute? id hate to think that i had any bearing on your attitude. if the way i joke with our friends has affected you this much, then shoot me; ive created a monster. it's straight ugly the way you hide things. its uglier to me cause i see right through you. you dont confide in me anymore because deep down you probably know that i know. and that i hate it. like sometimes i wanna pull you to the side and put my thumbs in your sockets to keep them from rolling. and i wanna take your phone away because i know what you're doing, even though you dont. and you think i dont know your ways or the ways, which is stupid cause i swear i invented them. you think i dont know when youre lying and that i cant see right through you. and im mad that everyone got to say their peace, and i didnt. i didnt get to scream on the inside while choosing my words carefully on the outside. did you know that sometimes i feel so disappointed in you? like, i see you in my peripheral vision, looking at me. youre wondering why im not acknowledging you and why i dont look you in the eye when i talk to you. well its mostly fear that i'll explode were i even to get started. and im disappointed that im at all disappointed. like, we shouldnt even be in this situation. you think i dont know that it's not easy? well, ive been through it and i'd think that everything i told you would have an effect on you. but no; are you stupid enough to think that experience is the best teacher? you think its smart to just learn from your mistake. but why cant you see its smarter to learn from the mistakes of others? i loved being proud of you, and i hate that the reasons why i once did are now all a blur. maybe you think that because ive been in silence so long that it doesnt matter to me what you do. but it does. to more important people than just me. im pissed that im pissed. quit giving me a reason to be. just cause,
things arent supposed to be this way.

here comes the sun

ethan took this and well, we always take pictures at our seats. i wish it were closer but OH, ITS OKAY.


i like that the stage is so close. remember back in the day when we'd have to bring binoculars and you sat in "LODGES" and stuff. haha LODGES

um this is a family picture. we're in front of a plant cause thats just what you do. we're missing the eldest and a b.i.l., so i guess these are the singles. we're so grown up now HAHA

and we're really mature and still cousins.


man ! i wish i had more. ill probably steal some from haz later. kekeke i have nothing else. sorry guys.

Saturday, July 14, 2007


there are hardly any words to truly convey all the emotions experienced today. heaping plates of spiritual food. my brothers are now reallyyy my brothers. its sometimes overwhelming seeing the changes in someone; such genuine smiles and sentiments. AHHH, it's crazy. its so wonderful celebrating with people things that are worth celebrating. oh that doesnt make sense, oh you dont get it ! most people dont. as in, most in the world. or all of the world. majority of the world! mannnn
SO WHAT THEN?! IM GETTING OLD OR WHAT?! --i can picture mahina saying that. i mean, im saying it, but im saying it the way mahina would. im saying this cause i think its a sign of maturity when you can see things from your parents' view. as in, im looking at all of my little brothers and sisters making such wonderful progress. as in, like having good goals and sticking with good friends with similar goals. as in, encouraging ME to do more; more FULLY. so yeah, i got all of these spiritual siblings, and we have such a good time doing whatever. field, or just like, laughing, talking, beaching, hanging, play-cards'ing, pooling, and blahblah'ing. and so i see them and i get scared sometimes too. like, 'dont mess up ok, guys? lets just do everything right together, k guys?' i never understood before, but i guess now i do. theres this fear where you just wanna protect them from everything. i wanna homeschool them myself, screen their calls, give them talks and mini lectures at every possible moment and just make sure that nothing happens. but then you cant, right? cause they gotta do things themselves and learn themselves and grow in appreciation themselves. sometimes words dont even help and its so frustrating when its in one ear, out the other. so you just gotta do everything by example, right? just do right and hope they do the same. and hope you taught em right. but then youre still worried but also proud of them cause every good decision they make just instills within you confidence in them. thinking of everything, it hurts a lot to lose someone. these are just plain words, cause i cant find the right ones. it hurts when something is so incredibly real to you...and when see others acting contrary to what you know is right. like when youre growing in appreciation but at the same time youre watching those you care about drifting away. which is why i worry; which is why im glad my friends now dont give me reason to worry; which is why i hope they never make me worry; which is why i'd never want to give them reason to worry. anyway, i hope everyone can see how much i love my friends. even my younger friends, who i think are in so many ways, cooler than me. some not as cool as me, but c'mon nowww; that's hard to be. even friends that are so far away but are there in mind and spirit. the one that i know is doing good; the one i always pray for. its really true that nothing compares to this brotherhood. you probably dont understand, but thats ok cause most dont.

CHEESEFESTS and whatnots. these pictures kinda suck but yeah; love you guys so much, it sometimes hurts.

i love it!

Friday, July 13, 2007

some kind of wonderful


here's kevin and glendo. get it?

ellen degeneres..


and this is where im literally getting musted. getting pinched cause im getting musted. musted for laughing at a situation that you'd also laugh at, but would get musted for. this is janelle's, "how dare you, you better quit laughing *pinch*" and the other 2 AGREE. they agree....

well, we just like watching boxes and pointing or something, but we are cousins, but it's special cause we're also friends.

but c'mon this is crazy cause this is true love; true-er love, between a BRO 'ISTER. they are inseperable, he feels her pain, and their friendship is greater.

and we are cousins and friends but this is crazy cause we're also sisters, the bestest kind that's better than blood.

an eric just got PWNED by a 3 (4?) year old. haha this is funny cause its like "PUT EM UPPPP, PUT EM UPPPPP !!"

and they just got finished dancing..... beautiful.