Monday, July 30, 2007

for edification purposes

and for clarification.

understand that i dont write the way i talk; except i kindaaa write the way i talk (in that, i write the way i joke. i joke when i talk, so i write the way i talk. but i do not write the way i talk). the run-on sentences are all intentional; the mispelled words are sometimes intentional, and the complete disregard for both proper grammar and sentence structure are probably intentional (probably, just cause HEY, IM IMPERFECT).
i love "justcause" and "HEY" and "HEYGUYS" and "LIKE," the way i love things about life and love. i love extreme analogies and things that clearly make no sense. i like the word "CLEARLYYYY," but mostly when it's followed by "i know a lot about _______."

and the only reason i dont use capital letters or proper punctuation is because
1) i think it looks better
b) well, HEY GUYS, like, cleeeearlyyy, i know a lot about what looks good, but like, i dont know how to properly use the semi-colon. jaykay!

i enjoy the sound of tagalog words, but i hate tagalog. the way i love the use of ilokono in T.S.'ing, but sometimes frown in its culture. i love "INITIALS," except i know they are not "initials."

and of everyone, trust that i know best the power of words in its minimalist form. why say in 50 what you can say in 5? because it's funny, that's why.

well, my writing's turned to crap. but mostly cause it's not quite writing. it's life and joking (mahina-style), turned to words. i like writing out my thought-process cause i like things in its raw form, be it music or life in general. and while i could probably (everyday, even!) put out a cohesive polished piece talking bout "my views on life, love, and politics" (except never politics, cause...dontknowdontcare), i find it funnier to... not. just cause, it's not "me," anymore. and i'd rather laugh at the end than get a migraine.

in other news, there's this car i always see that says "blood is thicker then water"

i drive past it then say out loud, "blood is thicker.... THEN water."

blood comes first when it comes to what's thickest. water is second, guys !

well, it's alwaysalwaysalways 4life4life4life funny to see seemingly indefinitely-lasting stickers be grammatically incorrect.


haha pluralsss.

1 comment:

Heenway Mai Guilao said...

ohh you mean your blue car that's parked down Loina that's for sale? LOL jk jk. haha. true dat yo. Grammar is for panties. Certainly, Boston-ians are not panties, and how do they speak? :
"GGETT INN DDAAA CAAA'!!!!" Grammatically correct? No. But on the other hand, I do recall you and Ate Nelly express in detail what you would like to do to a man with that accent. yikes. BARF. and i'm not water...I'm coffee. Love ya naman talaga talaga! Gusto mo ba ang mga salitang Tagalog nito? Mag-try kita binabasa! AHAAHAHAHAH