Sunday, October 28, 2007

hm, that sucks.

oh hey, what's up?
oh, nothing, you?
nothing. so how bout our planet?
craazy, right?
it's interesting how these types of things seems to have the power to wake the humanitarian in me. i suddenly get all worked up, thinking that efforts and causes are what's going to fix the world. but causes don't last. i wanna donate money, plant a tree, eat right, educate others. bahahhahah! somehow the idealist and realist meet and shows itself to simply be human, recognizing the need for GIUP (v: HELP). anyway, i couldnt help but get overly sad over the state of the entire world, and further frown at the fact that people dont know the real solution. then i remind myself that there is, and that we've got a privilege beyond any other to educate others. needless to say, it's beyond sanjay, steve, and anderson.
i guess i had no idea that i loved anderson so much. and sanjay is such a pie, that YEAH I WOULD, I SOOO WOULD. HES A DOCTOR. and poor steve, with the elephant. but how hilarious was the prelude to that shot? you know, the voice-over with anderson, when he goes, "but watch what happens to steve's arm," and you think that something wonderful and cute and wonderful and cutely wonderful is going to happen, but he instead gets attacked. hahahhahaa, who laughed? HAHAHHAHAA, we did. anyway, what's up with China and their exotic palates? i got slightly pissed. like, seriously? a billion people and you all need that bear-bile? i seriously cried at that shot. cried. i wanted to rip the china-made shirt off my back and burn it in protest. but that does nothing, hahahaha. anyway, i thoroughly enjoyed watching it, despite the fact that it left me more sad. it's more like a reaffirmation that when things are so haywire, we muuust be that much closer to a solution. and now i'm watching food network's food challenge. i love food challenges. love.

i really wanna make a cheesecake. our oven is broken and i found out we have a spring-form pan. or whatever its called.
i also recently favoritededed this interesting find from msn.
dont you love msn? i feel lost if it's not my homepage. i get half of my current useless knowledge from random articles. and i love the slate. i go, HAH HAH HAH, like that. ughhh this is the stupidest blog ive ever wrtten. boo.

i like it!

1 comment:

Heenway Mai Guilao said...

oh man. corwin. who do you think you are corwin? hahaha jk jk but yeah, it's funny cuz if you really think about it, like, i mean, really, there's no logical reason why the world is how it is, besides knowing the fact that the world is in the power of just pure evil.

But, really, you think, there's wayyy to much food here for people to starving elsewhere, and if parts of the earth are in such peril not only foodwise but other ways, it shouldn't take programs or fundraisers or such "causes" for people to give and for everyone to get what they need. BUUUUUT that's why we do what we do and believe what we believe and put faith in the only things worth putting faith and our lives in.

tiight. we are sooo fortunate.

but now on the cereal tip, (hahahaha) cheesecake is a great goal. one of which I would like to take part of. ahahahahahaha

love and stuff,