bahaha look at me, all INTO K's and stuff. a passing phase! a phassing pase!
not, not fooling. marriage material. jk.
who is that next to him, anyway? is that SAM-SOON?! KIM HEE-JIN?!
so i get ready. im getting ready. i grab a bottle of perfume and aim it to spray onto my wrists, and 98% of the time it misses and sprays onto the palms of my hands. so i quickly dab it behind my ear and other random places i think it would be cool to be. 98%? 2 out of 100 sprays, it's smack dab where it should be. 2% success rate? that's how i know im still a kid.
did you know ladies get it on 100% of the time.
yes. still a child.

1 comment:
hahahah yeah that's samsoon in that photo she's so pretty. but HE! oh he is RAWR get ovaa hea! Get in da CAAA! hahahahah
jk jk ANYWESSS, yeah, i mean, graduation present from Mang Sunny? Bound to be one of the best things ever. No matter what! Oh I finally undderstand your Yum-O text now that I read the comment haha. She needs to stop. She's not even from New York.
Wave: My boxes got smears all over!
Sun: It's okay, it's just stardust!
ahahahah! hey, guess what?! I love you Mang glad your tree is doing well! Oh yeah ItsYours!
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