Wednesday, April 25, 2007

day 1

today, i write for myself. right now im thinking about how im not going to advertise in any way that i have a blog. now im thinking about how i'd adertise my blog. that leads to me thinking about who exactly would read it. which turns into who exactly would want to read it? not me. probably not me. not even me in 2-years. now im thinking that im lying. as far as the general public, im not sure what the whole fascination about blogs, if not to see and then compare your mind with others. were i a photographer, id put some insanely amazing pictures of sunsets and kittens laughing, an interesting leaf, or a dirty wall. but im not, and its growing exceedingly difficult to find beauty in crap like that. just kidding. just kidding. just kidding, i love it. just kidding, im jealous. just kidding, you're thinking that im just jealous that im not a photogapher. well i am, but im also not. jealous, that is.

this first blog is supposed to determine what future posts will be like. this is kind of screaming 'lackluster !' and 'slightly confusing..' it's going to piss people of how i ignore general rules of grammar and syntax. it's going to piss people off more that i use run-on sentences and have very shallow views of the world, politics, and relationships.

i like it !


nickolai said...

somehow i feel as this will just be a transfer of ideas from me to you.
completing the spectrum from UO chandeliers to thomas erak and to heartbreak all in one breath/blog. :-)

Heenway Mai Guilao said...

I would. and I would want to. keep it comin and don't hold back woman. keep genius on Oahu alive. I'll provide the silly stories and funny pictures. haha