Friday, February 29, 2008


updates upon updates, im growing so sick of these constant security features.
i may be naive when it comes to the dangers to my computer, but i am getting incredibly tired of vista.

but um,
it looks really really cool.
and um, yeah.

but um,
my small mind is finding it difficult to wrap itself around all of these... changes. and updates.

updates upon updates,

it's probably just me. (?) -- but what do i know?

Thursday, February 28, 2008

bombed throwback

HAHAHAHAHA, new comp, you understaaaand.
Or no? You dont? New comp means a necessary transfer of files, which usually results in the discovery of long-time-no-see(n) pictures and files. I myself found these dusty treasures on a CD-RW i had in highschool. OOOOOOH, what i wouldnt give for a flash-drive or an easier way right now.

HAHA, DONT YOU WANT TO PUNCH THAT STUPID FACE?! maaaaan, posing near the wall of achievments that now stands empty.... and those bangs. those bangs are absolutely amazing. but the coolest thing is that WONDER CLUB shirt i'd kill to have right now. Yeah, it would probably fit like a nasty baby-T, but that would be part of its appeal. JAYKAYS. but the hands crossed is maaad cherry, not to mention those striped shorts i wish i could see a bit better. snap.

AND IT BEGINS, i guess. who dressed me? who brought me to the Gemini Filipino Store in Kalihi and got me that BOMB outfit? Thanks mom. Thanks. I love you. Thanks. But while we're on you, Mom, what happened for me to turn out this way? I was convinced that this was a recent development, but apparently I was pretty crazy since childhood. Even Sheila thinks so. HAIR = BOMB.

Check me out, ready to bring my chair out to the lawn area outside the office/library. Check out Jerome Salami, smiling like a fool. Nice shoes, Jerome. But not as nice as my meeting shoes.

Dayne, Stephanie, Jerome, BLK kid, White kid, White kid, Me. HONOLULU ZOO, LUNCHABLES, THERMOS, CANNED JUICE WRAPPED IN FOIL.


Sunday, February 24, 2008

i got smacked

easy walk; sheila and her finally-worn manchester united shoes.

cousins/cousins. italy, LA galaxy, man-U.

Rows 3 and 4 are actually Rows 1 and 2.
-- but on a serious note, what job do i have to get to be one of those weaklings down there, hanging out like they'd rather not be there? what association do i have to join? what sticker do i have to put on the butt of my car? seriously, little kids got it better than we do. and where can i jack a green media vest? i promise i'll walk around with a bazooka for a camera, acting like my job's so unexciting.

Sheila's head.



left and right
baby boy and baby boy.

thoughts on the night? ridiculousssss win. 6-1. them japs (JK) got it tight. now this is clearly coming from someone who in no way follows the futbol-circuit, but just a taste of this amazing sport had me converted and addicted. granted, i was a little bit embarrassed to be sporting an LA-Galaxy jersey, being that it was clear evidence that i spent good money to cheer for a team that was playing for 3rd place. but who WASNT awestruck in the presence of beckham? he's legendary, and yes, playing for Galaxy leads many to wonder whether or not he cares about his integrity. he clearly doesnt. but if this is him trying to make "SOCCER" relevant in the US, then... best wishes on the success of that. i guess. but i wasn't going to act like this championship didnt matter. nothing that exciting comes to Hawaii, and this was pretty amazing to be a part of. not to mention some priiiime seats, with fake-Dynamo players hearing all of our cat-calls. there's no doubt that Gamba brought their A-game, which clearly shows that maybe LA-Galaxy DID do something right on wednesday night. and as for Dynamo... Ummmmm, who let the 40 yr. old goal keeper play the entire game? ummm.... yeaaah. ummmmm..... he kind of wasnt paying attention sometimes.... ummmmm....... i also heard he threw out his hip or something? idk, this is all speculation, of course. ummmm, yeah. i also read that the pitch/ground/whatever sucked pretty bad. i was wondering why brandon jordan (27) of LA-G kept falling all over himself. i understand dives, but he'd be running, and if someone in the audience sneezed, he'd be there on the ground. ughh, so apparently that "contributed" to half of the incidents that night.

but yeah, let's just call a piece of doodoo what it is and say that if Beckham is trying his hardest to put the US on the futbol map, the MLS has to learn from the rest of the world. i guess nothing from the US can ever be called polished...because yes, the sauce is quite weak. i think we all agree to settle on "OK." Dynamo's game Wednesday night was TIGHT like a tiger, but then again, they WERE playing against SHORTS (Sydney FC). Anyway, Gamba Osaka, TOTEMO TSUKARETA, KYU JU KYU CENTO, IMA NANJI DESU KA, OTEARAI NI IITEMO II DESU KA? PROPOSAL DAISUKEN! DAISUKI DESU ! AI SHITERU ! and all of the other good stuff. Bare was tight, and your B-L-K's brought it all the way.



bam, right in the chest, by a stray ball. the coolest night ever, i am soooo fortunate.

"call a medic"
"keep crying, cry harder"

the order in which i heard things. pictures to come off of my deaaaad camera. you'll see why these things are not so rare.

OH MAN GAMBA WAS BOMB. 6-1, sorry houston. mystery benched player, you have my love, i have your picture. it's official that soccer players are a definite GO. and HELLO, stretching, "27-1." i love stuart holden, and tonight was crazy.

chest still hurts, and im not being OA.

___ vids.

wednesday semi-finals.



BECKHAM PUTS A SHIRT ON (suggested viewing: MUTED volume)

BECKS GETS INTERVIEWED. screaming ensues.

Friday, February 22, 2008

100th BLOG


how retarded to be viewing life through an ancient Trinitron. Sheila done throwed her back trying to bring this ton down the stairs.
Now, Pan Pacific Championship shots. LA Galaxy was a hot mess on the field, deserved credit goes to Gamba Osaka, for scoring one before we even got to the stadium and enduring European body-checks.

Oh, Hello! Check out my babu right quick.

here's a little vanity segment i put together. she's now LV-residing, so this had to be put up there.


buick shots, and my face when i'm talkin black. wow.

Saturday we'll see if LA Galaxy will sit pretty with 3rd place. Not that they have a choice; either that or 4th. HAHA. HAHAHAHHAHA so hard. HAHAHHAHAHAHA if they can't beat Sydney, who graciously thanked Dynamo for handing their axe to them in the first half. HAHAHAHA @ the 3 points scored. HAHAHA. Anyway, LIFE!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

no air, no air.

no computer. broken. sucks. on dad's. sucks. need to upload pictures. visit the usual comics. check bookmarks. i need a new blog with cool pictures. uggggggghhhhhhh.

everyone ready for today's dose of ironic goodness?!

my laptop needs an external monitor! bahahahaha!
so apparently, BAYAO said that the computer's in tact, but the screen is nonono good. its true. I used a monster cable to use my tv as a temporary screen. IT IS SUCKS. the resolution IS SUCKS, so I can't read tiny options. so I'm thinking I should just get a new laptop altogether, and not just one that's supposed to be a desktop replacement, cause I'm pretty sure it's constant transporting from AZ, NY, and the like was the cause of its demise. not to mention sheila dangling it by its screen, loosening all internal wires delicately nested within. saaaaadface. jk though, she's probably going to get its remains after all the file transfers. so you millions of readers will have to wait. oh, aaand you too, stalker/biter mcgee.

and no. not at all, guys!

Sunday, February 10, 2008


ugh seriously what happened ughhhh ughhhughhh. ciley myrus looking nuts.

rihanna copping a fierce hair tip from fantasia.

but on a serious note, the cut's flattering. her alien's not showing anymore, so that's what's good. oh... ahh, look at me hating over some C. Breezy rumors! he's finally off the island, so i'm finally over it. and whoever said he was staying til today is a straight fool! he was with fergie the frog on the runway. nice.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

you can't want more for a person than they want for themselves.

xin loiiiii,
nothing good will be posted until c. breezy leaves the island. I can't think eat sleep sleep think study think sleep. satin sheets. it's so hard to get you outta my system.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


cant sleep.
i love chris brown.

i wish i were joking and that i could stop. and ill take whatever criticism.

but i love chris brown.
and id go to the end of the world,
or maybe even aiea to see him.

i love chris brown.

my one "clear" photo to come.

Friday, February 1, 2008

"we are truly blessed"

except that's usually said a lot more cheesier, making for an ongoing joke, or an everlasting punch-line if you will. if i may. if you may. "IF YOU MAY" HAHAHA

anyway, i wish i had a fitting picture for this blog. one of those cute professional-looking ones with all of our smiling faces, but none of such exist. this is probably just one of those weeks for me,
but with mahina gone i had some time to tidy up my room (PICTURESTOCOME), sew some pants in my own urban renewal-type project (PICTURESTOCOME), and see/find/realize the inner peter-pan in me.
the part that's suddenly cringing at the fact that we're all going to grow up.

cause i've seen it. a little of it was tonight. i've always acted about 3-4 years above my age, but that was my bit, y'know? my gimmick. hm, yeah the extreme 3/4± (is that a plus/minus sign?) years. but i look around the table and see that everyone's catching up. acting their own age, and maturing at an incredible rate. when did we all get so busy? with jobs and lives and money and bills and licenses and schedules and blackberries? i was too busy with my own lot that i almost failed to look up and realize that by keeping up with everything, the time really has been sped up.

and i have. and it has. and we have. and this has. and this sucks a lot, you know?

and i see that my greatest fallacy was always wanting to be older than i was. like just 5 hours ago i was planning my entire pretend marriage to some guy, and now im planning my entire pretend break-up speech about how it's too soon to be dating. [ALL JOKING, OKAY?] mostly because im like, the 2nd/3rd youngest and the 2nd/3rd most mature or 1st/2nd most immature at times. kind of middle, ya git? well i've written about this before, but im going to expound on how much it hurts to think that sometime soon the older ones among us will be looking at those of the opposite sex with hearts in their eyes, thinking that girls are moon-goddesses and other things that currently make me wanna barf. and no matter how many slaps or dunks of water on their head, theyre eventually going to pursue it. and there will be fights and disagreements because maybe among us we're always going to pretend like no one is good enough (even though the reasonable part of us knows that's not true). but eventually, if marriage doesnt take each friend away, then it will be time and age. just because, we know very well that this will get to the point where we will be too old to do what we do. late nights of taboo or pictionary or trips to the outer island to attend below-par garage parties.

so it hurts and it sucks and i hate it cause it's not proper and im dreading it and...




the way heen did once on the way to samba. why does anything have to change?
and that stupid immature part of me is pissed that i actually DO want to get married. and ill be one of those boring old married couples that go to dinner with other married couples, bringing a cardigan everywhere i go and wrapping jackets around my waste.


but i think of that and then contrast it to the youth we enjoy now. it's true that singleness is a gift, but as hazel brought out, it's only a gift to those who use it properly. i cant even describe how amazing it's been to serve Him with your absolute best friends. to grow up with the people i've grown up with and have my own sisters included in all of this. add to that a cousin and an adoptive sister. brothers of all kinds, neatly held in a little half-way house. then more recently i gained a little sister that i love to tiniest of bits.

speaking of which, this peter pan and little sister that's so afraid to grow up... man alive! i will either die or be found bawling right next to your old man the day you grow up and get married. my insides will grow 3 sizes then i will fall apart into a million pieces, and left on the ground for the janitor to sweep up. i will hurt 6 kinds of hurt when your innocence is lost with age and time. and any other boy who tries to take it prematurely, i will pummel them 7 times, with a wrath theyve never before experienced. anyone who tries to defile you with nonsense thinking, teaching you awful things of the world or trying to break your spirit, i will break theirs with an earthly completeness. believe you me!

well it's no new thing for me to be talking about how im undeserving. but i look at what we've been through together and it's been absolutely amazing. the fun times we've had remain unmatched and i realize that it will continue on this way, but only for a short time.

aging comes with time, but even the effects of that are regarded as imperfections. i guess we're all in silent agreement that marriages and the pursuit of marriage and all of its baggage are all secondary to our real focus.

which is good. which is how it should stay. which is what we should do.

with that said,
ill try harder not to grow up so fast if everyone promises to do the same.