Thursday, June 28, 2007


so um, tell me now, is there anything greater than a time machine? probably not, right? right? wrong. probably wrong. probably wrong, just cause you have no idea how many thing people would be trying to undo and unsay and unmeddle and unlaugh and uncry and untry and un-everything. so yeah, probably wrong. well, i myself would for one truly love the ability to smooth out motion blurs in a photograph with the tip of my finger. just cause im that type of person. the kind that likes to see the unseen and find the story in each photograph. the kind that likes to see the person behind the person, just cause they're probably making a face. or probably has a face. not just a face, but a FACE, meaning a bad one. im the kind of person who'd laugh at it. im also the kind of person who'd want to see the photographer's true intent. the real picture before the guy in front sneezed. i guess that's where MOMMA digital cameras and DADDY digital cameras and BABY WOADERS and BABY digital camera come in.

well, tell me now, is there anything greater than touching the untangible? nope. nope, not in my book. not in this book some would call, 'sandras book' or 'things i find really really great' or 'some ideas' or 'hey this is cool, right?'

cause in my book, there have been countless times when i wished that i could spoon a melody. or take a beautiful line and pet the top of its head with just my fingertips. or shake the hands of a wonderful bass line. or ride an insane guitar riff (or maybe just hold its hand and run with it on the beach along the sand). or more importantly i'd like a complicated count to show itself visually (cause maybe im more visual?). maybe we'd go out to lunch and it would, in its own little way, explain what melody n was, and what it had to do with integers 1 through 8. and then he'd take my hand and we'd run across the shoreline of a melody (not to be confused with the same melody i previously spooned with). yeah, we'd do that. i'd do that. i'd do that if i could.

somehow all i see is a guy in a question-mark suit, and everything im writing is reminding me of the eBay it commercials.

anyway, all of this is coming from the fact that on july 23rd my life's going to get a little better. better cause it's something i wished to have gotten to do in arizona. better despite the fact that this venue will do them no justice. better because even if for just a few hours, ill be able to mind-meddle and mind-spoon and mind-pet and mind-hug their music. better cause hawaii had a lot of 'better' to get. better, just cause.

Hurled to the center of the Earth again/The place where it's hot, love/You know, it hurts to breathe in/And the watershed you balance on is begging it/Well did he ever know/Will he ever know?/The trees in the moonshine are a dark lattice/So you catalog in the angle you notice/In a vacuum you are charged to record this/So you won't make it easy on me/I can't go into this no more/It puts too many thorns on my mind/And the necessary balloon lies a corpse on the floor/We've pissed on far too many sprites/And they're all standing up for their rights/Born on a desert floor you've the deepest thirst/And you came to my sweet shore to indulge it/With the warm and dreaming eyes of an orphan/But there is not enough/There is not enough/Out of a gunnysack fall red rabbits/Into the crucible to be rendered an emulsion/And we can't allow a chance they'd restore themselves/So we can't make it easy on you/Undaunted, you bathed in hollow cries/The boys with swollen, sunburnt eyes/A reward for letting nothing under their skin/So help me, I don't know, I might/Just give the old dark side a try/Don't cast your whirling eyes on the shore/‘til we even the score/I still owe you for the hole in the floor/And the ghost in the hall/Who decides who paddles over the falls?/Yeah, who makes the call/Who makes the call?/I know there's an eventual/Release from every scale of crime/But the necessary balloon lies a corpse on the floor/We've pissed on far too many good intentions held by clever sprites/And they're all standing up for their rights.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

i've got what seems to be an indefinitely-lasting writer's block.
thing is, it's not cause im broken.
it's more like,
im finally fixed.

pickle pickle pickle pickle pickle pickle

maury, you sure got the stuff !

Thursday, June 14, 2007



Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo


in other more-exciting than this, but less-exciting than the rest of my life, NEWS--


my heart's so big right now. so big that this tiny font will suffice.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


ive been meaning to take some time to finally sit down and write a blog. a real blog. a 4rls blog with real words and thoughts that were easy to comprehend. "HAH, NOT GONNA HAPPEN"-- i know, i know. majority of you readers (that's right, all TWO of you) are thinking that. but this is 4rls. this is a 4rls blog.

first off was this amaaaaazingggg trip to maui. i added a couple more a's and g's to make you think that it was especially spectacular. i did this because it was. it really was. hahahahaha, there was this one time where.....ahh, you dont care. ahhh, you had to be there i guess. the condo was pimp nasty and hot like fire. pimp nasty cause of the spiral staircase and hot like fire cause there was no AC upstairs (so if you're keeping score, MAUI'05= 5 pts; MAUI'07=2).

so the first night was all about stomp the yard, and OH what a bunch of braggarts we were. mahina's freezing on some futon and im just a taco. you had to be there i guess.
next day was some needle-point thing that apparently was a big big deal. you jump off from HODAMEAN heights and this is also a big deal. now i cant stress to you how big of a deal these people really were. i mean, they were big-deal people doing big-deal things from big-deal heights, and you know mahina had to do it. except she couldnt cause her mom said no. so instead she jumped on some baby one. (baaaby woader) you had to be there i guess.
after some historical visit to some place that had some coys that were something and something something that were somehow missing and was again somehow a big deal, there was this imaginary bonfire with a bunch of lackluster people. i like to think of it as an affirmation to how our group of humans were unique in being able to have human conversations with other humanly humans. whatev. you had to be there to understand, but i wish i wasnt. LET'S LEAVE SOONER.


--i call this sunday night. 'nuff said.

monday morning was the greatest maui moment for me. for once my face wasnt sucked in like a butthole, cause i was actually awake. i made it a point to be fully awake. mahina was a mouse and edmond was a daredevil and sheila was just funny and i just sat there and laughed and number 2 was calling my name. you had to be there you had to be there you had to be there. it brought people together and we all just created warmth and love and love and warmth and love. a couple hours later we all died.

anyway, every trip to maui is always different from the last, and i cant say this time was my favorite. after all, no one threw up or even almost threw up, which is always a bummer. no one got bit by a fish and we didnt get to go down any cool pool slides or see a grotto. BUT, i overreacted 50x in the water, got my foot torn up, saw a water-poo, stayed awake in haleakala, and learned how to crappily (YEAH THATS A WORD, WANNA FIGHT ABOUT ITTT?) play island in the sun.
most importantly though, this was ES-PECIAL because of a mahina.

this is just her face. you should see her qualities. but you cant, cause no one can. i mean you can see them, but you cant see them.

a mahina knows why babywoader is so great and knows that its only complete with a dance. she understands why GALLOP is the best of all the words there and fully gets why sometimes unnamed people are sometimes very selfish with their music. she's NEVER MET A MAN...NEVER MET A MAN...NEVER MET A MA-ANNNN... and we all know that YOUAINTNOTHINLIKE...YOUAINT NOTHING LIIIKE. yeah, youaintnothinlike her.
you could try to understand, but you wont. but you should still try cause there's no telling without really trying. youre probably wondering, 'well sandra, how do i even try?'
idk. ask someone...go to a library? read a book. read a book. he reads book!
she's leaving tomorrow and ive never been so bummed in my life. she's younger than me but no one will ever quite understand my love for jews than this mahina. the chosen race, and exactly how God intended it.
and she first said i was her mento, but she's more like my mento, and im more like her manatee. the mento will miss her manatee. ehr, this manatee will miss her mento.
and you wont believe im saying this, but california's cool cause it has her. and hats off to washington cause it bred her. WA's that much cooler just cause a mahina came out of there. but kudos to hawaii for real cause it's like, IN her. she owns the aina which is cool cause she doesnt stand on the outside of ANYTHING protesting. the only protests she does is with her butt when hers says, 'kunana' and then sheila's replies, 'wennnn'


and i didnt know i like people who spoke tagalog but hey, there's always a first.

(because most of those who es-peak tagalog arent knowing how to look gewd while throwing in peektures like she is)

well, without her ill be super unreasonable. only she gets why im usually so torn and she's the only one who doesnt make things more dramatic, but knows how to logically rationalize the heck out of situations. she sees the absolute best in people in when they have realllyyyy ugly faces. that's a cool thing cause even i cant do that sometimes. she understands the meaning of forgiveness and makes me see what matters most, which i thought i was good at, but am more recently constantly forgetting. you had to be there and you wish you knew her but you probably dont, which means that your life doesnt mean that much. i know, it's FRIKKIN harsh, but it's probably true. it hurts, i know. it sucks a million monkey balls, but what are you gonna do about it? you cant call her and you cant stalk her and if you tried id hurt you pretty bad. yup, i love her so much that if she asked me to kiss her kilikili id probably say, "ok." and if she told me something about myself that i didnt agree to, i'd just say, "m. no." ah, you dont get it. you wouldnt even get it if you were there.

and i love every one of my other friends, but they're staying right here so they dont get any special words. they get special words everyday. except for mark. mark gets some special words cause he's one of my most favoritest cousins and he liked this trip. also, he gets a shout cause these are his pictures.